Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Birth of a Blog Project

Once upon a time (about a month ago) Jenny from Alternate Readality wrote a post for Utah Book Month. The post was crazy fun because she decided for a Utah author highlight she would bash an author instead of praise him/her. She knew she'd get a rise out of me, being as that this author is a favorite of mine, and waited for my response all day. I couldn't let her down now, could I?

Now, before I go on, Jenny and I have a history, a LONG history of being reading buddies, and we have found over the years that we are on the same page regarding some books and authors (Markus Zusak for one!) and on completely different pages regarding others! We've found this to be quite the fun thing to explore and dissect a bit. In fact, we've decided it's finally time to make it an official thing on our blogs. We'll be debuting this thing tomorrow and explain more about what our thoughts are, but as a preview, I wanted to share with those of you who missed it, this post from a month ago that sparked the idea and made is get this ball rolling.

And so I give you the copied and pasted post (with permission!) from Jenny's "highlight" of Utah author Brandon Sanderson: 

The reason my highlight choice is so shocking is because I really, REALLY do not like this man. Still, he has quite the nerdy following and is probably one of the biggest known Utah authors. So in traditional Jenny style I thought I'd list all the reasons I really just can't stand the guy. Ready?

1. I don't speak THAT dialect of nerd.

 Every book signing or author event that this guy is at is just filled with these nerdy nerds. Now, I consider myself a huge nerd. I like X-men and can probably tell you more about each of the X-Men's backgrounds than you'd ever want to know. I religiously watched Batman and Spiderman cartoons when I was a teenager. I've seen all the DC and Marvel movies and, yes, I can tell you which heroes are from which universe. I know what Stan Lee looks like etc etc. Seriously, guys, I'm a nerd. Just not THAT kind of nerd.

2. I don't like his books

Pretty good reason, right? Well, not really but let me explain. Sanderson seems like a nice guy but he has this self satisfied, arrogant, pat himself on the back personality and it's so out of control it shows up in his writing. Like this: "Look at me! Look at my books! Look at this world I built! Oh wait, I'm supposed to have likable characters? I could cut my books in half by leaving out all the flashy, attention seeking details? world building is so awesome! Not to mention my magical system! LOOK AT IT!!!"

3. He actually knows enough about these books to have been chosen to finish the series

Need I say more? Sheesh! He's probably got them memorized. *cough cough* geek *cough"

I'll stop now before a nerdy lynch mob with greasy hair shows up in their flooder pants, waving their pointy elbows around like a chicken and threatening to use D&D like powers on me. ;) I've seen Sanderson's house, people. It's huge. Obviously the man is talented and earns lots of money. Making anything I have to say about him moot.

So there you have it, folks, my weird highlight on that "smug" SOB Sanderson. :)

And this is was my rebuttal in her comments of that post:

1. What's THAT kind of nerd? Whatever it is, I guess I'm it!! :) I embrace all my nerd forms. DFTBA!!! Nerdfighters for the win!!!! Live long and prosper! May the force be with you!!! 

2. It's so weird how I feel so opposite about his books! The world building is amazing and when reading the books I feel immersed and not explained to. Some authors feel a need to explain all, like I can't figure it out by just reading... he does NOT explain and just puts you in the world and you figure it out. THAT's how I see it anyway! And his worlds really are amazing so if he tends to feel proud about it... I say go for it dude!

3. I have no idea what to say for this point... LOL! These books are not for everyone that's for sure. But to have done what he's done is amazing, whether you like the books or not. To have landed that gig, seriously. Amazing. And from what I hear, everyone who has read his concluding books love them way better than the originals. So that's also pretty amazing.

And there you have my come back. Not as snarky as I would have liked, but I tried. I'm too tired to be snarky today! But I stand by him. He does have a swagger, he knows he is loved by legions of adoring nerds, but I do think he's earned it and worked hard for it. You have to give it to him that he set out this goal back in the day and to have reached it with such success. It's cool. It really is.


As you can see, we have feelings! And this is just the beginning! Stay tuned tomorrow for the first official Suey/Jenny debate and the debut of a new feature! We'd love for you to get involved by chiming in with your thoughts about whatever topic we're debating and letting us know which side you fall down on. Also, we're open to suggestions for a topic to debate. 

And so, let's practice.... what do you think of Brandon Sanderson? :)


  1. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! I'm with Jenny!

    1. Kami: With Jenny on the Brandon Sanderson thing? Or let the banter begin????

  2. I have only ever attempted to read on of his books... and never finished it because of school... I don't know him so I can't comment on his arrogance... But Long Live the Nerds, not matter which nerd dialect you speak!

    1. Megs: You should really try again...that is... if you tend to believe me and not Jenny! :)

  3. I've never read any books by Sanderson, but I've heard a lot of good things about the Mistborn series. I can't wait for your first debate.

    1. Amy: There's much to love about that series!

  4. I'm so so excited for this! I can't wait! :D

  5. Hah! This sounds like it will be a great series. I just read my first Sanderson this year and I am absolutely in love - his imagination and world-building are just so amazing. So for this particular battle, I know which camp I'm in :)

    1. Belle: Yay! I love his stuff too. So so good!

  6. Wow, what an incredibly offensive post from Jenny! I don't see one factual criticism of the book in there, only lots of really rude stereotyping of readers of both Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's work. Especially as someone with stereotypically nerdy interests herself, I don't see any reason for her to assume that all readers who are passionate about different fandoms would wear flooder pants, play D&D, and have greasy hair and pointy elbows. Or that there would be anything wrong with it if they did! And the fact that she doesn't like Sanderson's work in no way makes it reasonable to assume things about him as a person. It's one thing to judge books and another, completely unacceptable thing to get snarky about the authors as people. Although I like the idea of getting your differing perspectives on things, I hope future posts from Jenny are more literary critique and less personal attack.

    1. Katie: Yep. She really really doesn't like this guy! I think she knew him sort of, or had contact with him back in the day? I can't remember, but I do think for her it's more about being rubbed the wrong way by him, than it is anything else. Sigh. Did you check the Jane Eyre post? Wondering now what you thought of that one!

    2. I'm just reading it now and enjoying it much more! I can really see both sides of that one and think you both make great arguments :)
