Monday, July 20, 2015

Utah Books Month is Coming!

It's almost Utah Book Month! You know what this means, right? It means we celebrate Utah books and authors by reading Utah books all month long and blogging about all the things we love about the Utah book community. We'll be celebrating again when August rolls around as we have the past few years. We'd love for you to join in the fun, even if you aren't living in Utah. It would so cool if you choose a Utah book and read it this month! Maybe we'll even have a read along!

We've planned some fun stuff including:
  • Twitter chats with Utah authors
  • themed weeks all month long
  • author spotlights
  • mini challenges
  • giveaways
  • a review link up
  • a party, IRL
  • and... as I said above, maybe a read along of a Utah book, especially if there's interest.
We'll have more details posted at the Utah Books blog on August 1 to kick off the event, so keep an eye out there. 

If this sounds like something you'd like to participate in, by reading one or more Utah books, participating in a challenge, or blogging once a week on the theme of the week, let us know by signing up below. 


  1. Yay! I can't wait. I think this is going to be a great celebration.

  2. I'm excited. Could you post a list of Utah Authors?

    1. Kelley: Here's a link to the list we have going:

    2. Kelley: Here's a link to the list we have going:

  3. I can't wait! I should be fun! Woot woot!

  4. Hooray!! Thanks for letting me help host this year! I'm so excited! This my favorite blogging month! I look forward to it every single year!

  5. Looks like fun since I live in utah. However I noticed you didn't include any self published utah authors in the list.

    1. Renee: It's really hard to keep track of everyone, especially self published. . . I don't even know if that would be possible! But... we love ALL authors! :) Anyway, glad you're joining the fun!

  6. I absolutely love that you all do this! I think I need to seriously consider doing this for my own state. Now I just have to find some fellow bloggers in Montana!
