Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Last Books I Accquired

What have I bought, checked out or been given lately? Here you go:

Checked out:

1. This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
2. Saga by Brian Vaughn
3. It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han


4. Ink and Ashes by Valynne Maetani
5. Elevated by Elana Johnson
6. The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West
7. Love, Lucas by Chantele Sedgwick


8. Mysteries of Cove: Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage
9. Mania by J.R. Johannson
10. The Eternity Key by Bree Despain

Well, at least that's some of them. It looks like a much wimpy-er list than I actually imagine it to be!

What have you checked out, bought, or acquired lately? Link up over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. I was just telling Kami I love that you guys utilize the library. I can't walk in there without totally exceeding my reading limits.

  2. Oh, I should've put Elevated on my list too since I bought it yesterday. But, I went with actual books instead of Kindle books.

    1. Jenni: I was so excited about that little freebie deal!

  3. I thought about putting Ink and Ashes on my list, but it wasn't super recent, and I had a stack of library books I had just picked up.

    1. Kami: That was the most recent book I bought for sure.

  4. I know you didn't really like Saga, but if you're looking for a graphic novel, I highly recommend Nimona. I got it from the library but my son reread it maybe 12 times so I figured it was time to purchase our own copy! I'm only halfway through it but it's really good.
