Monday, June 15, 2015

Currently. . . A Day Late.

Listening: The Piano Guys  (first the Jurassic Park one.. and now it's switched to... I don't even know what, but it's dang cool.)

Watching: NOTHING! Gasp. How can this be? Wait, I did watch Jess's first episode on Gilmore Girls the other day. I wonder how many times I've see that now....

Reading: I read half of Clockwork Angel, but then got sidetracked by This Shattered World that I grabbed from the library. And now I have two half finished books.

Blogging: We've just come down from a quite and simple Bloggiesta. Thanks to all of who participated. We'll have a "normal" one in September. Stay tuned. I've scheduled a few blog posts to go up while I'm gone, but for the most part, it's going to be pretty quite around here. You can still talk to me though. I won't be completely off grid!

Writing: I managed to do first (or is it second) edits for another chapter. I was hoping to get through the whole rest of my story this week, but there wasn't enough time. Soon, very soon, I hope to have gone through it all, then go through it all again, and then see if I can get a few beta readers! SCARY!

Planning: It's been all trip stuff for weeks. And we have one more day and then OUTA HERE!  The anticipation is pretty much going to kill me. I'm not kidding.

Health Watch: I did the military diet with my sister. That was interesting. I got on the scale BEFORE the diet started and the scale finally FINALLY said that six pounds were gone! That was baffling and unexpected. I haven't got on it again but I wonder if all the anxiety of this past week has made me lose a couple more. Because anxiety, I've found, is the best way to lose weight. :)


  • Went to the city's summer parade and fireworks this past week. Tradition!
  • Hosted a dinner for the family Sunday. Goodbye to them!
  • Daughter made it home from her adventure. Yay!
  • Summer arrived! Hot!
That's about it from here. Happy new week!


  1. Do I know where you are going? Either way, have fun! I am completely jealous of everyone who is traveling and enjoying the summer slowdown lately!

  2. I love that you talked about the Jurassic Park Piano Guys too. :D I wish I lost wait with anxiety. I gain it instead. :/

  3. I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls. Can't wait for Jess to show up.
    I really hope I get to be a beta reader for you. I'll be really nice. I promise.
    Have so so so much fun on your trip. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  4. It's good to hear that you've started This Shattered World! I hope you're enjoying it. Also, hope your trip is amazing! And I trust we'll get to hear at least a little bit about it once you're back? :)

  5. Have a great trip, Suey! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

  6. I love the Piano Guys. One of my favorites is their cover of What Makes You Beautiful. It's got a great YouTube video :)
