Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Book Review Discussion: Saga Volume 1 by Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Book: Saga Volume 1 by Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Genre: Graphic novel, SciFi
For: Fun
From: The library

Short Synopsis: This is the story of two people in love, both from different sides of an intergalactic war who just want to find peace. Their baby is being born when the story opens and it's this baby that narrates the tale. We follow them as they try to escape, take on a nanny who's a mutilated ghost, fight off lots of bad guys and find the most amazing star ship ever. We also follow another guy who appears to be a bad guy but in reality seems to have a surprisingly soft heart. (Not sure what's up with him yet, not enough of the story in this first volume!)

My Response: Well. How to say this!? I've heard so much about this one and felt the need to find out for myself what I thought, though I had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be a bit much for me. I was right. Though I could totally get into the story and characters without a problem, the content and images are, shall we say, too adult for me! (I hate that term, but there you go.) I loved the snarkiness of the characters. I loved the main dude (Marco, was it?) because he seems so sweet, mostly. The girl rubbed me the wrong way a bit. The baby narrating was hilarious, and I was totally intrigued by the guy that appears bad but is really good. Oh, and the nanny was a riot.

But the F bombs were way over the top and more than I can take (I guess I have a threshold after all!) and some of the pictures were, shall we say, a little indecent. Ha. But at least now I know and even though I kind a feel sad not knowing the rest of the story, I'll probably pass on the others.

Bottom Line: Great science fiction story (very weird though) if you love that stuff but told in a over the top gritty way.

Let's Talk About: How do you feel when you want to try something that so many other people love but then when you try it you know you aren't going to love it? I feel disappointment pretty bad, but it doesn't happen very often so I think I'll be okay when it does.

Other Reviews:

Saga is at turns, and sometimes at once, beautiful and horrifying. From Fantasy Book Critic

What a ride! From 1330v: Thoughts of an Eclectic Reader

The dialogue is snappy and brings the characters to life incredibly easy. From SFF Book Reviews

Saga brings us non-stop action in a world filled with war, but it also brings us love and laughter. From Tif Talks Books


  1. I've never even heard of this. I must just not be that up on the graphic novel scene. I probably wouldn't like the images either if you didn't like them.

  2. SAD. I wished you had liked it. I love this and I HATE graphic novels usually lol :) I read the writer wanted the images so that this could never be turned into a TV show or movie.

    1. Renee: Interesting about the TV thing. I bet it won't ever happen though, so they'll be happy!

  3. I've been curious about this as well, but I thought it might be "too adult" for me as well. Your review sealed the deal. I won't be reading these.

    1. You might want to still try them out... see if you like them.

  4. I thought this was what you meant when you mentioned your Saga post last night in chat! I'm sad you didn't like it. There definitely are some rather risqué images in it, though. I'm thinking mainly of the scene on the brothel planet. This is one of my favorite graphic novel series - I love the characters and the storyline, but when my twelve-year-old asked me what it was about, I said, it's a little too mature for you. I let him read Lumberjanes instead!

  5. I like this series .. but you are right, there is a lot of adult language and images. If you happen to be someone who is not comfortable with this then the series is not for you. I just got volume 4 from the library and can't wait to start.

  6. I've been wanting to read this for awhile and I'm not sure if I'd agree with you or not. I definitely don't like books with gritty violence, but I'm not sure if nudity and language would bother me. Sorry this didn't work out for you!

  7. I'm so bummed that this one didn't work for you because I think the series gets better and better. BUT, it does continue to be a bit too "adult," so maybe it is best for you to stop reading. We can always chat about all the other amazing books together though!! :)
