Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Want to Meet

Well, this list doesn't change much over time. And I'm guessing it'll be very similar to many other lists today. But yeah, here are some authors I'd love to meet!

Top Ten Authors I'd Love to Meet

1. John Green of course. Please. Some day.
2. J.K. Rowling of course. Because wouldn't we all?
3. Suzanne Collins of course. Because she is awesome.
4. Sarah Dessen. Because she just seems so fun and cute, just like her books!
5. Neil Gaiman. Who was just here the other day and I didn't go. :(
6. Meg Cabot. Wouldn't she be a blast though?
7. Neal Shusterman. I just think he's so cool!
8. Melina Marchetta. Because I LOVE HER BOOKS!
9. Veronica Rossi. Because... ditto.
10. Markus Zusak. Because once is not NEARLY enough. Can we do it again please!

This prompt truly makes me realize how many authors I HAVE met and how cool that is. Maybe I can knock a few more off this list before it's over!

Be sure to write up a list and link it over at The Broke and the Bookish today!


  1. I was right on 3 of yours. After you said what you said in my comments, I responded with who I thought we'd have in common. :)

  2. My nephew went to see Neil Gaiman a couple of months ago and waited in line 8 hours!

  3. Yeah. I want to see Markus again too!

  4. Excellent list! We share a few. Markus Zusak seems to be very popular today. He's not on my list, but I've seen him several times on others. My TTT

  5. We share quite a few of these! So happy to see Neal Shusterman on another list, I've only seen him on one other (aside from mine and this one) so yay for that! JK Rowling, Markus Zusak and Suzanne Collins were on my list too. I'm so jealous that you've got to meet Markus Zusak already!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/12/top-ten-tuesday-4/

  6. Great list! (I've meet both Sarah Dessen and Neal Shusterman, and they were terrific.)

  7. I thought for sure that Markus would be #1 on this list. I want to meet a lot of those authors too.
