Sunday, May 10, 2015

Some Random Favorite Songs

This past week Jenni Elyse did her Get to Know You Post on favorite songs. And while she's not doing this feature as meme anymore it got my thinking about what I'd list if I had to list my all time favorite songs. Really really hard!!

And since I just want to do something purely for fun today, I thought I'd share a few of them with you. I've decided to call it

My Favorite Songs You've Never Heard Of!  (Maybe.)

So here goes. And if you HAVE heard of them, you can say, HEY, but wait! I know that song!!!

Sky High by Jigsaw: A blast from the 70s when my dad would take me rollerskating. I adore this song and still blast it on my iPod all the time:

Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues: I don't know what is about this song. I find it so very beautiful. And the poem at the end always fascinated me when I was in high school.

Alla Luce del Sole by Josh Groban: Of course I love all his songs, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be this one. Why? The deep voice parts. The high energy parts. The Italian. The fact that it's one the first ones he sang and made popular. This video from the first concert where I saw him.

Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd: Ok, so you've probably heard of this one! I will never get tired of it, ever. The louder the better! Oh my word. So good. Here's all three parts, with part one being my favorite, and part two being the most popular and part three being the one you've never heard of.

Hotel California by the Eagles: The lyrics to this song... fascinating. This particular acoustic live version. Amazing. It gives me chills. (I think they took the actual video off of YouTube sadly.)

The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle: The voices of these two guys together cannot be matched. I love them so much.

Okay, I'll stop there. I'd love to know if you really DO know all these songs and if any of them are also your favorites. Or maybe you didn't know them, you listened and you actually quite liked them too! :)


  1. I know two of the songs you listed. I feel kind of proud of myself for that, lol. I know "Hotel California" and "Another Brick in the Wall." Corey is a huge Pink Floyd fan. :)

    1. Jenni: Yay for Pink Floyd! :) And I'm happy you knew two!

  2. Am I showing my age if I say I know most of these? Ah, The Eagles. I miss The Eagles. And love Hotel California. Nights in White Satin - love that one too. I couldn't remember if knew Sky High, but your reference to roller skating made me think I probably did. The answer is yes, I remember that one. Simon and Garfunkle - love them too. Thanks for the memories! One of my very favorite songs from the past is September by Earth, Wind and Fire. I love to sing along with that one. :-)

    1. Kay: YES! September! I love that song too!

  3. I know all of these but Sky High. I was very influenced by my brothers music when I was a kid. I totally have the poem at the end of Knights in White Satin memorized.

    1. Jenny: I pretty much love all the Moody Blues songs. His voice kills me.

  4. "Hotel California" has been one of my favorite songs since it first came out - love, love this version! And you can never go wrong with Simon and Garfunkel. Too bad they couldn't get along.
