Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Checking In!

The prompt today over at The Broke and the Bookish is if you could check in on a character from a beloved book you've read in the past, who would it be? Good one guys! I love this, and I think I'm going to have a very hard time narrowing down my list!

Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Check In On

1. Jane Eyre: Did she truly live happily ever after? Did Mr. Rochester snap out of it and be happy too? Did she ever regret her decision?

2. Holden: Did he get the help he needed? Did he grow up to have a happy life? Did he find love and friendship? Did his parents stick by him? Did he ever come to terms with the deal of his brother?

3. Ann and Captain Wentworth: How did their life together turn out? I hope is was awesome!

4. Ed Kennedy: I really hope he found someone he could love even more than he loved what's her face. And lived a nice long happy crazy life!

5. Kvothe: I'm dying to know what's happening with him! Third book please!

6. Pi: I wonder if he ever really figured out what happened once and for all. Well, I think we know, but did he overcome? I worry about him, I do.

7. Cameron and Ruben Wolfe: I would love to know if they grew up to be upright standing citizens! Well, Cameron did I'm sure. Not so sure about Ruben.

8. Did the people who were stuck Under the Dome ever fully recover?

9. Did the Joad family finally get work and money and live a good happy life?

10. Laurie and Jo and Amy: Well, I hope Laurie ended up happy. And I wonder, since he would actually still be in Jo's life, did she have regrets? I wonder if she and Amy got along? I wonder if Laurie kept up his fun loving manner his whole life? (Are these questions addressed in sequels? I never read them!)

Okay. Mostly I just hope characters don't regret whatever decisions they made in their stories and ended up living happy lives! It would be interesting to know, don't you think?

What characters do you wonder about?


  1. Nice list! Anne and Captain Wentworth - I'm betting yes on the happy scale. Also for the Little Women people. And I wanted to know about Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility and the people left at the end of The Stand.

    1. Kay: Good ones! I hope Elinor is swimming in happiness! :)

  2. I like your list. I listed a couple of classics too. I bet you can guess one of them without trying, lol. And, I'm not sure I want to know anything more about Holden. EVER. ;)

  3. I worry about Holden too. I hope he got the help he needed and turns out ok.
    I hope Jane regrets her decision to go back to Rochester. Ugh that book!

    1. Jenny: I hope Jane and Rochester live happily ever after!

  4. Yes to Jane Eyre! I've noticed her popping up on lots of lists. I almost listed Kvothe, but then I thought maybe I should give Patrick Rothfuss a chance to finish the story before I started to worry :)

    1. Erin: I am totally worrying about Kvothe!

  5. I did once upon a time read Little Men and Jo's Boys, but I can't remember anything about either of them! I think the characters I'd most want to check in on are Harry, Hermione and Ron.

    1. Belle: I thought about them, but then figured we had that epilogue thing so we know how they ended up, to a point anyway.

  6. Yes on Jane. Holden kind of freaks me out a bit. I don't know that I'd be that curious towards him. LOVE that you chose Ann and Captain Wentworth.
