Friday, April 3, 2015

Getting to Know You: Five Quirks

For this week's Getting to Know You topic, Jenni Elyse has asked us to share five quirks. But, here's the thing. Every time I think I've come up with what I think is a quirk, then I think that it's not quite quirky enough. Like most of you probably have the very same quirk! Know what I mean? So I've been stressing! Anyway, we'll give it a go.

1. I really love my clothes to be 100% cotton. Everything else is a little bit itchy to me and also tends to have worse static which drives me bonkers. But of course, I deal with it because how realistic is it that I go around in things only made from cotton. Anyway, this is why I pretty much live in jeans, t shirts and/or sweatshirts as much as I can.

2. I haven't been to a doctor in years. I just really really hate it. Like, really.

3. I like loud things. Mostly. Loud music, loud movies, loud concerts, loud thunderstorms, loud airplanes. But I can't stand loud video games.

4. I really hate vegetables, which makes it awfully hard to eat healthy. In fact, whenever a food topic comes up I usually end up mad. It's the most frustrating thing ever, dumb food!

5. Most people seem to enjoy the whole selfie phenomenon. And I don't get it. I don't think I've ever taken one... maybe one. With my sister. Once. I think. Yeah, if you follow my Instagram, I doubt you'll ever see a selfie.

Hmmm... did that do it? Was all that quirky enough? Or totally boring? I have no idea. Well, for what it's worth, there you go!

What quirks do you have? I'd love you to share in comments!! Or make a post and link up at Jenni's!


  1. I am the complete opposite on the loud "thing" as this past year I have developed tinnitus and every little noise bothers me. I even have to wear noise canceling headphones a lot of times at home to listen to music (noise of my own choosing). I guess that's my one of my five (hundred) quirks. I'm not a big fan of vegetables either, especially greens, especially salad. The less, the better, in my opinion. I'm not huge on selfies either. You'll see them from time to time but usually it's more likely food pictures (because no one has ever seen them ;) ).

    1. From time to time from me, I meant.

    2. Bryan: Sorry about the tinnitus thing. That sounds most irritating. And, yes, I'm all for food pictures!

  2. See, I didn't know any of these things! Well, I knew about the loud music etc and maybe the veggies.... but yeah.

    1. Jenny: I figured out new things to reveal about myself after all? LOL!

  3. I am anti-non-cotton-clothes TOO! Bleh, fake things. Unless it's a workout item or something, I refuse to buy things made out of polyester and acrylic. And pretty much no wool is soft enough for me to wear against bare skin (which is extra sad because I love to knit). I do ok with a tiny bit of spandex or similar, and rayon is ok (except that it is a PAIN to wash). But generally, give me cotton things and I'm happy.

    1. Erin: Agree with the spandex... just enough to make things stretchy and comfortable!

  4. I didn't know any of this except your loud stuff and veggies. I didn't know you hated loud video games, though. That's funny that that one thing bugs you when it's loud.

    I go to the doctor all the time! I don't like to, but I hate being sick more, lol.

    1. Jenni: I don't know why video games bug me so much. All that fighting and shooting? :) And luckily, I'm rarely sick so, that helps with the dr. thing!

  5. I didn't know any of these, either! But I'm with you on the doctor thing. I hate how much time I spend waiting in the lobby, then hanging out in the little room so I can have maybe 4 minutes of convo with the doctor. It's so inefficient.

    1. Kathy: Let it be known that I was always good about taking my kids when they needed to or should go. And the waiting is the worse!

  6. We share a few quirks! I have the same thing about my clothes, only it's wool and anything that feels even slightly like wool that I don't like. Just thinking about it makes me itchy. And I have never taken a selfie! It's on my goals list this year to take ONE. We'll see how well I do with that particular goal :)

    1. Belle: Wool seems to be big icky thing for most people! I love that you have a goal to take a selfie! I will look forward to that!

  7. I can't and won't wear wool. Even the thought of it makes me start scratching. I do like the occasional selfie though. I do hate the word though. These were fun. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I thought I was the only one who hated selfies! I'm completely inept at taking them and I don't like pictures of myself at all, so why would I take a bunch of them? Ugh. Plus, when people take and post a million selfies of just themselves it makes me think they're a *little* self-absorbed.

    1. Susan: LOL! Yeah, now and then they're fine, but all the time? Hmm....
