Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Dune Read Along Sign Up

Hey favorite readers! We had so much fun last January doing a North and South Read Along that we decided we had to do it again! This time we'll be reading Dune by Frank Herbert, claimed to be the best science fiction novel ever! (Someone said that I'm sure!)

Anyway, just so you know, the we I'm talking about here includes Jenni Elyse and Kami at Kami's Library Thoughts, and myself. We could not deny the enthusiasm of Jenni any longer and so, our book club will be reading it for our May meeting and we decided to do a read along here at the same time. We do hope you'll join us!

Schedule and Discussions

Section 1: April 19 - 27 (Discussion post by Jenni Elyse on April 27)
Section 2: April 28 - May 6 (Discussion post here at It's All About Books on May 6)
Section 3: May 7 - 16 (Discussion post by Kami's Library Thoughts on May 16)

Other Info

We'll have three Twitter chats in conjunction with our discussions. They'll be announced with their dates and times during the kickoff posts. Of course, we'll post our thoughts on Twitter all throughout the read along using the hashtag #DuneRAL. (We've also started a Pinterest board if you want to follow along there!)

The book club meets on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm MDT. Jenni plans to tweet real-time during the meeting so you can read what everyone there has to say about the book too. Sounds fun, yes?

As with our last read along, we plan to have a movie party here at my house to watch the Dune mini-series (not the pretty bad 1984 movie, even though it did have Sting!)  We'll announce the date in our kickoff posts. There will be refreshments and pizza of course!  We'll let you know more about that when it gets closer.

You want to read it with us, right? You know you do! If  so, sign up in the linky below. Write a post and help us spread the word! We'll be back to kick off the event on April 19.


  1. Why is Dune one of those famous, classic, great-sounding sci fi books I just never could get into? I even used to own a copy, but after giving it two tries I handed it to someone else. I keep thinking one day I should make another attempt, though...

    1. Jeane: Read it with us and it can't help but be fun!

    2. It takes some time to get into because of the level of detail in the story. And, it's much better to read it the first time with others. That's how I did it the first time. Now, it's one of my favorite books.

  2. I'm participating! This better be as good as Jenni says it is.

    1. Kami: Good to know you are participating! LOL. And yes, it better be. Jenni will never live it down...

    2. :P You two. I hope it's as good for you as it is for me. I love it. Maybe my enthusiasm will help. We'll see I guess.

  3. I'm game to try it! Not my usual genre, but it's good to try new things, yes? I'm with Kami, hoping I like it! :)

    1. Kara: YES! It is good to try new things. Especially with a crazy crowd! :)

  4. Well since I HAVE to read it now maybe I'll join you guys. ;)

  5. You can count the random Texan in. :-) I had so much for with the NorthSouthRAL, I've got to try it with sci-fi!

  6. I really want to do this one! I mentioned on Jenni's post that I have great bookish memories of it (even though I've never read it before).

    1. Belle: I'm so happy you're joining us! :)
