Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Random Junk Again

Hey everyone! I have a few things I want pass on to you today.

First of all, I was going to do a nice post about all the author events of the past week. But I didn't take any pictures at one, and the other, we ended up not going to, so instead I'll just share pictures of the one I would like to mention: Ransom Riggs! Add him to the list of very nice looking authors. Handsome Ransom. Sheesh. I had to say it. I was sad his wife (Tahereh Mafi) ended up not being with him after all. But maybe next time. He did sign her book for me though:

Ransom signs for Tahereh

What a cool looking title page!

Gazing at Kami.

Feeling silly as usual!
But look at his shoes! :)
(Picture courtesy of Kami!)

For more and thorough recaps of this event, check out the posts over at Kami's Library Thoughts and Jenni Elyse's blogs! Now I just need to read the second book.


Are you fond of taking surveys? If so, help out the wife of one of my coworkers by letting her know your feelings on YA dsytopian novels! She's doing her big paper on this subject. Here's the link to the survey:  http://goo.gl/forms/KmjQ6oL5ec I knew you'd all have tons to say, so I thought I'd share and let you help out a student! :)


So, guess what? BLOGGIESTA IS COMING! Again! Sheesh, that rolls around fast. The crazy thing about this event is that it's going to be ONE WEEK LONG!! You asked for it, you got it! But that also means that we need some totally awesome challenges. And we have only few so far, so I need more! I need you all! Let me know if you have a fabulous idea for a challenge. If you've been thinking about doing one, but have been too shy.. this is your chance. Now! Let me know! Anyway, mark your calendars: March 23 to 29. Plan to work on your blogs all week long. It'll be a blast.


If I was participating in Top Ten Tuesday over at The Broke and the Bookish today I'd be posting some favorite books of the past three years. And if I were to make that list it would probably include:

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
All the Laini Taylor books in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series
All the Veronica Rossi books in the Under the Never Sky series
Pivot Point and Split Second by Kasie West
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
All the Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry

Yeah, it would probably at least include those.


Letter month is over! I didn't do great, but I didn't do terrible either. I sent a letter to everyone on my list! I meet a few new people. I wanted to try a fan letter again, but couldn't figure that out. I think I ended up sending maybe 20 or so pieces of mail. I'll keep going even if it's not February you know. Just in case you wondered. :)


Okay, well. I have no idea what else I meant to spew out today. I guess I'll leave it at that. Have a wonderful day.


  1. I like all the pictures you took of the Ransom Riggs event and I think it's cool that he signed your book for Tahareh Mafi.

    1. Oh, also, I'll see if I can think of something for Bloggiesta. Don't hold your breath, though.

    2. PS--I did the survey. It was fun.

    3. Jenni: Thanks for doing that survey!

  2. Ha, ha - he is Handsome Ransom!

  3. Love these random posts! And Handsome Ransom. Now I'm not going to be able to look at his books without thinking that :-) I can't believe it's time for Bloggiesta already!

    1. Belle: Glad you enjoy them! Yay for Bloggiesta!

  4. Maybe we'll have the dang basement done in time for bloggiesta and I can sit down for a whole week and blog. Wouldn't that be great? Sigh. We're getting close.

  5. Oh yay - I might actually be able to participate in bloggiesta this time around.

    Interesting list for your top fav books of the past three years. I think that my be tough for me, but I would definitely have Unbroken on the list and probably The Count of Monte Cristo.

  6. Handsome Ransom! Ha! I love this all in one post.
