Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Heroines

Today's Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is all about our favorite heroines. I'm a little late getting my post up, but thought it would be fun to think of some newer-ish characters since I'm pretty sure I've done this one several times. (Too lazy to look it up and link.)
Karou fan art.
When are these books going to be movies? 

Top Five "Newish" Bookish Heroines
1. Kestrel from The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
2. Lia from The Kiss of Deception by Mary Pearson
3. Em from All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
4. Cassie from The 5th Wave and The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
5. Karou from Dreams of Gods and Monsters (and the others) by Laini Taylor

Felicity is my favorite!

Top Five "Newish" TV/Movie Heroines
1. Felicity from Arrow (I think she is SO MUCH more heroine-like than all the crazy fighting girls!)
2. Carol from The Walking Dead (thought we haven't seen much from her lately)
3. Amy Pond from Dr. Who
4. River Song also from Dr. Who
5. I want to think of a really good movie heroine right now and I'm completely blank. Sorta sad, yes?

And that should cover it for now!

Who's on your list?


  1. I seriously need to read Lani Taylor's books but I've built them up in my mind so much that I'm scared. If they suck I might cry.

    1. Jenny: I truly have no worries about this happening.

  2. I love Doctor Who and agree that Amy and River are great. Other than Karou, I'm not familiar with the rest of the characters. I will have to look them up.

    1. Amy: Mostly characters from my favorites of the last little while.

  3. Yes to Karou! And Amy Pond! And you've reminded me I really really have to read The Winner's Curse.

  4. I agree with that list and so many great characters :) I love Karou and River and Amy Pond

  5. Good list! So many things I need to check out and haven't yet...

  6. Kestrel is a good choice. I don't know the others. And, I like Carol too. I'm not as familiar with Felicity yet, but she seems like a good choice.

  7. I don't know any of those characters. Just shows me that there are still so many books to explore.

  8. Hmmm...trying to think of a great movie heroine, too, other than, I suppose, the obvious Katniss or whatever the heroine is in the Divergent series.
