Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Movie Review: Unbroken

Movie: Unbroken
Genre: Memoir/Drama
Starring: Jack O'Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall Gleeson
Rating: PG 13
My Rating: Two thumbs up

As you know, this movie, based on the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, portrays the experiences Louis Zamperini has when his plane crashes during WWII and he is taken prisoner by the Japanese.

I must admit, I was very nervous to see this movie. I've just read the book and I knew what to expect and it's not pretty. I was worried about sitting through a movie that portrayed such terrible things.

And for the most part, I was right. I squirmed a lot during the movie and felt tense and anxious. That's not to say it wasn't a good movie. They did an awesome job, but it was so hard to watch this stuff! I told everyone afterward I would so much rather read it than watch it. Plus, in the reading you get so much more. Sadly, as well as the movie was done, it had to leave so much out and you only got a glimmer of some of the best (ie. more positive) stuff. That was frustrating to me.

Also, I was disappointed at where the movie ended and it felt very abrupt. I wanted it to go into his issues after he got home and how he got through all that. Sigh. Maybe part two? :)

The key moment of the movie when he proves
he can't be broken! It's gut wrenching!

But that being said, the guy they got for this part was phenomenal. Loved him! And the guy who played the bad Japanese guard? Wow... he was also awesome, but how hard that must have been for him? I mean, we'll all hate him for life now! (Or love him.) I can't even imagine what that was like for him.

I was fascinated enough to look up an interview. It's awesome. You should watch. (I guess he's a famous rock star too? Who knew.)

Anyway, in the end, I really did enjoy the movie. But as is usually the case, the book is better!

Here's the trailer if you haven't seen it yet:


  1. Wow thanks for such a great review!! The books is on my TBR list and I'm curious to see the movie thanks to your thoughts!

    I hope to see you around my blog!


  2. I'm a little sad I didn't read this for book club. I think I'm going to go back and read it though.

  3. I wasn't going to see the movie because I didn't want the book to be ruined, but my friend asked me to go and I loved it. Were you surprised that they only summarized his life at the end of the movie? I loved reading about everything he went through after the war, but understood why they didn't include it.

    1. ebookclassics: Yes, I totally felt there needed to be more at the end. But I guess they ran out of time.

  4. I actually liked the movies in a many ways better than the book. And, I liked the book in some ways better than the movie. I ended up rating them the same because they both gave me the things I needed for the story. For me, both are integral.

  5. Definitely not a movie I could watch. I'd have a tough enough time reading the book, even though I know it's a really good read.

    1. Belle: Yeah, it's hard. But so inspiring. We can do ANYTHING! :)

  6. The interview with the Bird is just fascinating!

    1. Melissa: Isn't it though? He seems like a fascinating actor all around.

  7. My friend that didn't like the book said she might actually like the movie when I told her where the movie ended. I guess she didn't like the abuse stuff. I haven't finished the book yet or seen the movie so I have no idea what I'd think. Maybe one day???

  8. I'm like you - looking forward to seeing this...but not. On the plus side, even if they couldn't include all of the good, it would he almost impossible to make it as awful as it really was, too.

    1. Lisa: Yes definitely impossible, thank goodness.

  9. I've wondered about this movie because of the content. I think I will wait to watch it in the comfort of my own home because I have a feeling it is going to be very emotional for me!
