Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014: Day One!

First sentence: Physics is going to kill me, but I'll die happy. 

Day one was awesome! Guys, I was lucky to have a whole Saturday with pretty much NOTHING on the schedule. It was a perfect day one for Nano!

I did get on the computer at the crack of midnight last night and wrote my first 700 words. Just enough to participate in that initial rush of excitement for all the online peeps and to get the feel for what I wanted to do. And then, after a major sleep-in this morning, I got up and have pretty much been on the computer the rest of the day. (I did run an errand or two and have been up and down here and there.)

So my word count for Day One is just over 4,000. I needed to do at least two days worth of writing because tomorrow will be a whole different story. We have a family event and I'll have zero writing time. ZERO. So today I planned to get ahead. Thankfully, that worked out.

But can I just say, wow, it doesn't take long for a story to get in your head and take up residence! Know what I mean? I had my characters ready to go and an idea of what might happen, but nothing really set and then I start writing and it suddenly, it starts to feel like a real story. I love that.

Granted, my story is a really simple one. I have no idea how people do it who have these massive huge complicated plots going on. Impressive. But still, even with a simple story, I'm finding that there's going to be more going on and more to keep track of than I thought! And my characters are already morphing into something just a little different from what I'd imagined them to be. It's almost creepy how they do that!

And all this means I can't wait to keep going. But for now, I think I'll read a bit.

How's all my Wrimo friends doing so far? Want to share your first sentence? Please? :)


  1. Awesome! I am very impressed that you're writing a novel! Good luck - I'm sure it will be fantastic!

    1. Gayler: Thanks for your cheerleading! :) Here's hoping I can do it and that it will be even a little bit readable.

  2. Your first line is seriously awesome. Good luck this month!! With a new baby in the house I'm going to be lucky to manage ANY wordcount this time around...

  3. GREAT JOB!! You've already seen my first few lines, and I'm trucking along. Much slower than you, but I'm already feeling better about NaNo than I did this time last year!
