Sunday, October 26, 2014

Currently: Same Old Same Old and New Song


(written late Saturday night)

Listening: 80s favorites on Spotify! Woot! But this week I've been making a fun playlist of my favorite Zumba songs and also, I discovered that Bill Boyd (aka Pippen) has a band (Beecake) and this is so far the favorite song that I've discovered:

Watching: Same stuff as last Currently post... The Walking Dead, Survivor, Parenthood and Arrow! Sigh. TV. It's so fun and so time consuming! I need to finish the available Arrow episodes before Nano starts.

Reading: The readathon went well last week and I read three books. Now so far this week, I've read nothing. Trying to finish up Save the Cat and and Hunt for the Skinwalker. I also started The Impossible Knife of Memory, but it's not grabbing me very fast. Oh, wait. I did read Blue Lily, Lily Blue this week. It was good but so very strange!

Writing: I've been trying to finish some bits of last years Nano book so I can start on this years. And then I need to just forget about it for awhile. I'm not doing too well wrapping it up for the time being. I just open it up and stare at it. Looking forward to the Nano experience again though!

Blogging: We started a Facebook group for Bloggiesta. Come find us and join! Not much else exciting is happening with blogging. Oh, unless you count authors stalking bloggers. A crazy story indeed, but I don't plan to get all freaked out about it and stop blogging or reviewing or whatever. Oh, and by the way, I did pick a winner... KATY... for my Heir Chronicles series giveaway.. just in case you wondered!! Congratulations to her! Hopefully she'll be seeing that in her mailbox soon.

Eating: Going out too many times! It's not good for the counting calories thing. Though.. wait for it... the scale said I did finally lose three pounds! I'm afraid to get on again to confirm... I'm sure it was a fluke. I've been LOVING doing Zumba these past few weeks. Getting pretty hooked to that. Any other Zumba people out there? What's your favorite method? Live classes? Wii game? DVDs? Let me know! Anyway, doing Fitbit challenges this week with my daughter-in-law has been fun and has actually helped to keep me motivated. We'll see how if that continues!


  • Wow.. the weather here. It's been so so nice! They say it's going to change this week. I guess we'll see.
  • I have a bunch of author events coming up! Kiersten White today, Ally Condie next week, and Shallee McArthur the week after that. I'll probably take pictures to share!
  • Well, and I guess that's all I have to report. I need to go read. Or go to bed. Or something!


  1. Congrats on your lost poundage! I've never tried Zumba but have wanted to after hearing so many people talk about it. I have also been trying to stay on track with Walking Dead so I can read your posts but I'm always an episode behind. Maybe this week...

    1. Jess: Zumba is a blast! You should totally try it. :) Come talk Walking Dead any time. No worries!

  2. You do have to remember that your Zumba'ing is probably building up muscles and they weigh more. Go by how your clothes are fitting!

    1. Lisa: I was telling my sister this very same thing the other day. She says she's gained four pounds since she's started running. Muscle or no.. it's frustrating!

  3. and I am so excited to have won!

    I love the idea of zumba, but I am very uncoordinated - like I trip sometimes while walking in a straight line on a flat surface - so I imagine I would end up in a heap on the floor

  4. KT: Oh, this is you Katy!? Awesome. :) I look TERRIBLE while doing Zumba but because it's so fun... I don't even care! :)
