Sunday, October 12, 2014

Currently: Gearing up for Walking Dead and Nano!

(written Saturday afternoon) 

Listening: Pandora, as usual. This time my 80s pop station playing Kenny Loggins and Footloose at the moment. Remember that one time I got to see him in concert a few months ago? Yeah? That was fun!

Watching: THE WALKING DEAD!!! Season 5 starts Sunday and I am scared and nervous and excited! Who's with me? Who can I talk to about this show? I will need to tweet and stuff! Also watched Parenthood and that show never fails to wring a tear from my eye. How DO they do that? I will be sad to see that show go once this season is gone. Oh, I'm officially addicted to Arrow having watched four episodes in one day last week. Nearly done with the first season on Netflix. Enjoying the characters and all the crazy stuff that they are doing!

Reading: My Goodreads shelf says I'm currently reading three non fiction books. What? How did this happen? A skinwalker book that I have from the library, a writing book (Save the Cat) that I bought, and Unbroken for book club. I need to start another YA nominated Beehive book soon though. I did finish one last week though, that blew me away. Review to come soon!

Writing: This week I started to get serious about "fleshing out" (that phrase... I just don't know about it!) my characters for the upcoming Nanowrimo. I'm very excited. But then, I'm not and I think all the negative thoughts again. I so wish I could get over this! BUT... anyway, I am excited for Nano again and I plan to do a weekly update here like I did last year, because that was fun. Hopefully there are a few readers out there that find it fun too. And if any of you plan to Nano this year, please let me know so we can be buddies... not just over on the Nano site (you can find me here), but let's tweet lots and chat lots and you know.. REALLY be buddies.

Blogging: The big huge blogger readathon is coming up next week. (See my post of yesterday.) I hope to participate. I have no idea what life issues will be going on that day, but I can guarantee there'll be something. In other blogging news... I have a giveaway going on. Did you enter yet? Also, I created a Bloggiesta group on Facebook (Did you come join yet?)

Eating: Not much, in fact I feel like I'm going to bed hungry a lot. That means something, right? That means I'm eating less than I'm used to which means any day now maybe I'll lose a pound. Come on!! JUST ONE POUND!!! And I've been wearing my Fitbit for a week now, and got to 10,000 steps one day (and really really close another day.) Woot! And I did Zumba for THREE days this week. See... one pound is not much to ask for, don't you think??? However, my son invited us to dinner at his house and I did make this. So, there is that problem.

Crafting: My son found a jacket he likes, but it's too big and puffy, so he took scissors to it, and now I must find the long lost crafting/sewing skills inside me to fix and it and make it wearable! Ha!

  • Our new kitty is about twice the size she was a few weeks ago. She attacks everything that moves and is getting braver and braver about exploring the house and beating up on all of us. 
  • My husband bought a new computer and has joined me in our new office/writing/creative space! This room is getting a lot of use!
  • I've done much homework helping this week and have learned all about Madagascar, the war on drugs, cancer treatments and Machievelli's philosophies. 
  • Did I mention that The Walking Dead is starting up again?


  1. I am so unbelievably pumped for TThe Walking Dead tonight! I will talk to you about this show any day :) I am so excited yet so nervous for this new season. Who knows what will happen next?!?! Happy Sunday!

    1. Samantha: Well? And so what did you think? :) The beginning was CRAZY and the ending was AWESOME!

  2. Awww! Keep the cute kitten pictures coming! :)

    1. You like those pictures? I'm worried people would get sick of 'em!
