Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Book Review Discussion: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Book: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Genre: YA Dystopian
For: Beehive Award list
From: the library

Short Synopsis: Ah! I don't know how to summarize this book without it sounding very complicated and giving everything away! So... the world has fallen apart and its all because of an invention that allows people to travel through time. Em and her friend have been imprisoned because she has something that the inventor, referred to as the doctor, wants from her badly. When the book opens, she discovers something that makes her think she has been here before many times, and has tried and tried to make stop this world from happening, many times. She has one more chance.

Then we flashback four years before to the story of a girl who was in love with the boy next door. Somehow, the events that happen on this particular day have something to do with what Em needs to stop. And so she has come back to stop it.

My Response: Lots of awesome twists and turns.. some I saw coming, some not so much. I loved this story... loved it! So much suspense and mind bending things. It's one of those stories where you can't decide who you should be rooting for and I love that. I fell in love with the characters pretty much instantly. Basically, I loved everything about this book! It's left me speechless and I don't know what else to say but gush gush gush.

Bottom Line: Read this one now! So good!

Let's Talk About: Time traveling books! Do you love them? Do they make your head spin trying to figure out how everything is working? Does it bother you if you they get you thinking too hard, or do you love it? I, for one, love it! What are some of your favorite time traveling stories?

Other Reviews:

The characters really jump out at you and connect, the plot is engaging, and the pace of the book is page-turning. I encourage anyone with any interest in dystopian novels, YA novels, time travel, or just looking for a wonderful read – to try this out. You won't be disappointed! From Fantasy Book Critic

All Our Yesterdays is a thrilling YA novel that test the limits of good, evil and friendship. From Books and Sensibility

I closed this book in awe last night. I thought it sounded good. I was wrong. This book is AMAZING! From Proud Book Nerd

Also, the relationships between the characters are hugely emotionally satisfying. From Bookshelves of Doom


  1. It depends on how they do the time traveling. I'll have to read this one.

  2. I'm often not a fan of time traveling stories because they so often come with star-crossed lovers, which I find too frustrating. If there's none of that and the explanation and world building are really good though, I can like them a lot :)
