Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Read These Authors!

The prompt over at the Broke and the Bookish today is underrated authors (or books.) So here's what I think, I think more people should read these authors:

1. Kasie West
2. Dan Wells
3. Carol Lynch Williams
4. Wilkie Collins
5. Neal Shusterman
6. Rick Yancy
7. J. Scott Savage
8. Melina Marchetta
9. Angela Morrison
10. Lindsey Leavitt

Utah Book Month is over, but it appears I'm pushing a bunch of Utah authors on you! Yeah. They're a'll pretty good you guys and you should be reading them! :)


  1. Oh wow. A bunch of new to me authors. I think the only ones I've seen are West and Wells.

  2. There are some good names on that list!!

  3. Great excuse to push your Utah authors!

  4. I'll have to check them out because I'm not familiar with any of them.
