Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: I NEED To Read More of These Authors!

Today's list prompt from The Broke and the Bookish is. . . what author have you read just once... and are pretty much dying to read again. I had no trouble coming up with a list:

Ten Authors I NEED to Read More Of:

Juliet Marillier
Maria V. Synder
Sarah Waters
Jandy Nelsen
Jamie Ford
Kate Morton
Anne Rice
Rick Yancey
Erin Morgenstern
Justina Chen Headley

Some of them only have the one book. Some of them just came out with another book. Some of them have TONS of books, so what am I waiting for????

What authors are on your list today?


  1. Erin Morgenstern and Jamie Ford made my list as well. Yes, you need to read my Snyder!!! I love all her books!

    1. Kami: I'm sort of scared the others won't be as good...

  2. I've read one by Justina Chen Headley, and one by Rick Yancey, but intend to read another by Yancey when The Infinite Sea comes out.
    Check out my Top 10

    1. Lisa; It came out today!! I must get it now!!

  3. Yes to Erin Morgenstern! I want her to write a new book!!!

  4. Definitely read more of Jamie Ford-Songs of Willow Frost is sooo good! And, oh my gosh, I so hope Morgenstein is going to have another one out soon. But how can it possibly life up to the surprise and fun of Night Circus?!

  5. Ooooh, I love Kate Morton. I've read all of hers but one -- and it's sitting on my Kindle just waiting for me. Soon!

  6. I need to read my first book by Juliet Marillier. I own several and they all sound good...[moving her up my TBR list]

    Great list!
