Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Hard Books

What hard books have you read? That's the question today over at The Broke and the Bookish. I've decided to divide my hard book list into two subjects, hard because it's difficult to read and/or understand and hard because the subject is a difficult one.

Five Hard to Read Books
1. One Hundred Years of Solitude
2. Love in the Time of Cholera
3. Bleak House
4. Possession, A Romance
5. The Way We Live Now

Five Six Hard Subject Books
1. Rose Under Fire
2. Wintergirls
3. Twisted
4. Blindness
5. Thirteen Reasons Why
6. Room

Yeah, so basically Gabriel Garcia Marquez books, Laurie Halse Anderson books, big fat classics, and books about the Holocaust or WWII POWs! :)

What would you put on your list? Write a post and link it up today!


  1. I skipped this topic because it was too ... hard. But, yeah, I usually have trouble reading books with lots of profanity and graphic sex/violence, disturbing topics, and prose that I have to read several times in order to understand. Ugh.

    Happy TTT to you!

  2. I tried to get through Bleak House. I kept thinking I'd like it but I never did. That's a tough list.

  3. I didn't to this week's TTT because I couldn't think of any books in this topic, but Room and Thirteen Reasons Why are great ones! Same with Wintergirls. I feel like if I had thought about it a little harder I could have done it. Dang!

  4. All the big fat classics on my shelf that have sat there gathering dust for years!

  5. I didn't even think about hard to read as in difficult. That's a whole 'nother list for me!
