Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: At My Lunch Table

Fun prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish today! Check it out!

Here are some characters I'd love to have join me at my school lunch table!

1. Hermione from Harry Potter
2. Jo from Little Women
3. Mia from Princess Diaries
4. Mia from If I Stay
5. Aria from Through the Ever Night

What's lunch with out the guys? Boring!!

6. Joe from The Sky is Everywhere
7. Gale from The Hunger Games
8. Braden from On the Fence
9. Cricket from Lola and The Boy Next Door
10. Michael from The Princess Diaries

My criteria for this list? Down to earth people, brainy people, music people and boy next door types. I guess the sort of people I figure I'd be friends with... or, I WAS friends with in high school. Did I pick correctly? Who would you add to my list given that criteria?

Who would be on YOUR list? 


  1. Ooh Gle would so be at my lunch table too!

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Tanya: The more I think about it, the more I love the idea of Gale at my table! :)

  2. I feel like at least one person from Stephanie Perkins' novels have made it onto everyone's list for this week's topic. Mine is no exception--I would love to have Isla & Josh at my lunch table.

    Great list :D

    1. Sandy: I haven't met them yet! Soon though...very soon!

  3. Mia from Princess Diaries would definitely be at my table.

  4. Oh, I don't know that I read, even as a young person, enough books about young people to fill a lunch table! Jo would definitely be there!

    1. Lisa: You should try more young people books! I think Jo would be lots of fun...
