Friday, August 22, 2014

Movie Review: If I Stay

Movie: If I Stay
Genre: Drama
Starring:  ChloĆ« Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Jamie Blackley
Rating: PG13
My Rating: Two thumbs

It seems like there hasn't been many great movies this summer. Some in the beginning during May and then a long long wait and now it seems like there's a ton I want to see. And so many books to movies! And books I've read and loved and am actually quite familiar with! It's awesome. And it' scary too because you don't' want that book memory ruined. So scary.

So last night I felt the need and urge to go see a movie. We ended up going to the very first showing of If I Stay! And I loved it!

It's very true to the book, from what I remember anyway. The feel of it was just right. Adam, the character we all fell in love with, is awesome. (Though he does have a bit of a cursing problem, but no F words that I remember anyway!) The girl for Mia was really good too. They both did an excellent job with the music aspect of the acting. I looked it up afterward and the actor for Adam did in fact do all the singing and playing of the guitar. SWEET! See for yourself:

The accident scene wasn't too graphic, which I was happy about. My daughter who has read the book more recently said it was pretty graphic in the book.

And can I just say, there's LOTS of kissing in this movie! So if you ever go to a movie and wish for more kissing, I think you'll be happy with this one!

But the music is the best. So much fun. Both classical and rock.

Oh, and I loved the Mia's friend character. She was the comic relief and is so funny!

And the end? Let me just say that the audience gasped and moaned! It was awesome! :)

Bottom line: Don't be worried about this one ruining the book. They did a great job. And yes, you'll cry. Especially when the Grandpa shows up at Mia's bedside. Be prepared!

Summary: Oh, wait. I didn't even say what it's about, just assuming you've all read it. So, it's about two musical geniuses, one a classical cellist and one a rock star, and they fall in love. But they have issues because Mia wants to go to Julliard to study the cello. Adam's not so into that. But then one day, there's an accident that changes everything. Now, Mia is in a coma. She has to make the decision, should she stay and live, or should she go and die?

Here's the trailer:

Have you seen it yet? What did you think?

Other movies I'm anxious to see: Into the Storm, The Giver, Guardians of the Galaxy and... I'm really looking forward to The Maze Runner in a month! Woot!


  1. I was so nervous the movie was going to ruin the book on this one for me so you have given me the confidence to see it. Thank you!

    1. Jess: You'll have to let me know if I'm right and you end up liking it...

  2. I want to see this one but honestly I want to wait until I can watch it at home and turn to a blubbering mess in private LOL!

  3. I didn't like the book, and I have no desire to see this movie, especially if there is lots of kissing .

  4. I'm not sure if I want to see this or not. I'm ambivalent about THE FAULT IN OUR STARS and THE GIVER too. Not sure why.

  5. It's on my TBR and my TBW list--guess I better get to it.
