Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Book Review Discussion: Becoming Lady Lockwood by Jennifer Moore

Book: Becoming Lady Lockwood by Jennifer Moore
Genre: Historical Romance
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For: Utah Book Month
From: Bought it at Seagull Books

Short Synopsis: Amelia was married by proxy to a Duke she never met...and he died before the meeting could ever happen, which makes Amelia quite happy. And now his brother has come to declare it all a fraud. Meanwhile, her awful admiral of a dad has beckoned her home to London (she's been raised in Jamaica, a British colony) and she has to go on none other than the angry brother's war ship! Of course, since this is during the Napoleonic Wars, a battle happens in transit. Lots of other stuff happens too!

My Response: At first, I thought there was too much ship/navy talk and it went a bit over my head, but it grew on me and I ended up loving it. We got a wonderful feel for what it might have been like on one of these war ships! The battle itself seemed sudden and quick. A few other things seemed sudden and quick too, and easily resolved. It's only a 200 page book after all. I could have handled a longer book with more detail and a bit more story. But as it was, it was fun and enjoyable and I raced through it quickly. Also, yet another "new to me" Utah author I've discovered!

Bottom Line: It was a nice "proper romance"! Just what I needed!

Let's Talk About: Do you ever read books that have settings that are quite unfamiliar to you? Does it make you enjoy learning something new? Or do you scratch your head in confusion? There were SO MANY sailing terms thrown around in this book. Some I knew, some I had no clue about. It made me crazy at first, but then I enjoyed the feel of it all and could imagine the workings of this small community. It helped that I recently toured the Midway in San Diego. It really helped me to envision it all, even though the ships are from completely different eras.

Other Reviews:

There is love, action, adventure and intrigue, all the great hallmarks of a historical romance to me. From The Muse Unleashed

Wonderful characters, beautiful setting of the story, amazingly written and such beautiful love story. You totally should read it! From Corazones-Literarios

If you enjoy clean regency romance, then this is the book for you! From Mel's Bookshelves

Becoming Lady Lockwood had everything an historical romance should. It had a strong heroine, a dashing hero, a moving plot that with some tension and a little danger, great chemistry between the two love interests, some humor, romance that extracted some sighs, and a happily-ever-after ending that had everything stacked against it. From Wishful Endings

1 comment:

  1. I love books with new to me settings. It's so much fun to learn about different places or eras or different careers and life style. That's one of my favorite parts of reading :)
