Friday, May 23, 2014

British Isles Friday: British Actors!

Time for more British-ness! I love thinking up things to post for Joy's British Isles Friday. Most everyone there, I've noticed, has been posting reviews, which I'll do probably eventually, but first, other things!

And those other things for today are... British Actors! There's something special about 'em don't you think? I did a Celebrity Crushes post awhile back and nearly everyone on my list was a British dude, did you notice?

But, I didn't want to simply repeat that post and so instead, I decided to practice my collage making skills instead and so... voila! I give you.... my British Actors Collage!

Isn't it awesome? I think I'm onto something here! Can you name them all? Gold star for anyone who can!


(Don't tell me who I forgot! Or, wait, sure... tell me who I forgot... and if I come up with 16 more, I'll just make another one!!)

Updated to add: There's been some confusion (both here and elsewhere)! I'm using the term "British" to mean anyone from the whole of Great Britain and the United Kingdom which includes not only England but also Scotland, Ireland and Wales! Yes! I can still have Colin Farrell, and Ewan and David T and... and... Cillian! And I don't remember who else comes from where else. But yes. Let's include them ALL when we say British! :)


  1. Fun! I did a celebrity crush post and ended up with all British guys, too!

    I can get the geeky Whovian, Sherlock, and Merlin guys, but falter after that.

    Joy's Book Blog

  2. I like this post, especially the picture on the bottom left. When I saw your title, I was like "Please let there be a picture of Richard Armitage!" Thanks for delivering!

    1. Kami: I could NEVER leave him off this! :)

  3. Great post! I can name almost all of them.

    Aidan Turner, Martin Freeman, Cilian Murphy, Bradley James, Colin Farrell, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Joseph Morgan (???), Ewan McGregor (glad you had him on your list), Colin Morgan, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Richard Armitage, Andrew Garfield, Tom Hiddleston (mmmm), Alan Rickman.

    I can name 16 more: Jude Law, James McAvoy, Christian Bale, Theo James, Daniel Craig, Ben Whishaw, Kit Harington, Hugh Dancy, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Henry Cavill, Aaron Taylor-Johnson (my MC's love interest), Sam Claflin, Alex Pettyfer, Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Rupert Everett

    1. Jenni: I can see I totally need to do another one! :)

    2. Was I right with the one dude? Is that Joseph Morgan? I need to know, lol.

    3. It's Rupert Penry-Jones who plays captain Wentworth :)

  4. Sorry! Colin Farrell is Irish!!
    But hey, love them all!

    1. Jackie: Yep, I know he is and Irish is British... at least as far as I understand it! (I even googled a few things and it seems to be how the term is used.) I have listed several Irish guys and Scottish too.

  5. Now that is a collage! It's completely unfair how sexy British actors are :)

  6. Is it crazy... that I refer to some of these man as if I'm on a first name basis with them... Like, "oh yes of course Tom and Ben are on there. And I'm so glad you included Bradley and Collin as well!" Yes, crazy. I need help. I would second Jenni Elyse: James (James McAvoy), Jude Law. Christian Bale, Theo James, Hugh Dancy, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Henry Cavill, Alex Pettyfer, And add Eion Macken (Gwaine).
