Monday, May 5, 2014

Book Review Discussion: The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

Book: The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe
Genre: NF Memoir
Rating:★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For: Book Club
From: The Library

Short Synopsis: This is the story of how the author started reading books with his mom in a two person book club during the last couple years of her life so they would have something to discuss while sitting for hours during cancer treatment. In between the discussions of books, he talks a lot about all the things his mom accomplished during her life, so it's actually more a tribute to his mom than it is a book discussion book.

My Response: Really a fun book to read. Actually, it took me awhile to get into it but the last half flew by. It is hard to read about the realities of cancer, but it was awesome to see this family's devotion to their mom and the way they made the last few years really mean something. The book discussions were fun too and totally makes me want to add a few to my list. I think at book club we decided for sure to add Crossing to Safety to our read some day list.

Bottom Line: Great book club book. We had lots of discussion. There were many favorite quotes and passages that everyone flipped to and read during our meeting. It's a great homage to books and moms!

Let's Talk About: While I haven't thought about an "end of your life" book club, I've often wanted to do a family book club, a sisters/mom books club, or a mother/daughter book club. However, I've only managed the "normal" neighborhood book club up to this point. Have any of you been successful with "specialty" book clubs and how does it work for you?

Other Reviews:

The story of Mary Anne’s illness and how she and her family handled everything really hit home for me, though, and I ended up being more interested in her story than I was about their book club. From Between the Covers
I could literally have filled a post or two on all the wonderful quotes about the joys of reading and bookshops, debates about certain titles, cosy books and confronting and even the debate over e-reader vs. real paper books in your hands – as the book has all of these and more – From Savidge Reads

It's inspiring, but not in a saccharine way. I loved it and have already picked up a few of the books that Will read with his mother. From Avid Reader's Musings

A beautiful book about the relationship between a mother and her son and their bonding over books. From A Bit Bookish


  1. I enjoyed it too. The cancer parts were (obviously) sad and hard to read but the author wrote it with levity. What a great show of love for his mom.

  2. Love the premise of this, I'll have to check it out. Great review!

  3. I've been successful with the book clubs I have with my kids. We usually agree on the book and read it together. Even if one of us don't enjoy the book, the reading brings us closer together.

  4. My book group hated it, and I felt really guilty for recommending it even though I had enjoyed it. I'm glad to see other people enjoy it too. I want to read several of the books that they discussed, but Crossing to Safety most of all. Thanks for your review!

  5. I think I'll suggest this to my book club.
