Saturday, April 26, 2014

A to Z Blogging: War Horse Review

So the other night we got to see the play production of War Horse. Oh my gosh, it was AWESOME! When we knew we'd be seeing this one, we wondered how they could do a play about a horse, on the stage.

With the coolest puppets ever! That's how. I can't describe it so let's see if there's something on YouTube....

There's three people making him work, but after awhile, you forget about them and it's just a horse, a horse that seems totally alive. It was awesome. And with our front and center seats (literally front and center) we got a very close up look at this most awesome puppet. I have no words. It really was amazing.

The kid that played Albert was awesome too. He could show emotion like you wouldn't believe.

And the war scenes. So intense! It felt like we were right in the middle of the action. Guns, and smoke and scary scary stuff.

It's a play, not a musical but there was music. Lots of wonderful  Irish folk songs, complete with the accordian and all.

It was definatley a hold your breath sort of play. I loved it. So glad to have had the opportunity to go. If you get the chance, don't pass it up. Go!

Here's a little trailer:


  1. Wow! That's really cool! Thanks for sharing those clips so we could the see awesomeness you guys witnessed firsthand.

  2. I am so so kicking myself for not seeing it when I had the chance!

  3. I got to see that one in New York and I was just blown away. The puppetry is incredible!

  4. I'd like to see that one. I loved the book and the movie
