Saturday, April 12, 2014

A to Z Blogging: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Okay. I couldn't help it. Today for the A to Z challenge, let's talk about kissing. In books that is. Kissing in books! Is there even a better thing to talk about? I think not! What's your favorite book kissing scene? I must know!

As for me, here are a few scenes from more recent (ish) books that I absolutely love. Do they include some of your favorites too? I'm finding it absolutely fascinating to lay these scenes side by side like this and study them. What makes them good? What do they lack (if anything)? What do they have in common? Or not? Compare and contrast the styles! I love it! Some are pretty simple. Some are very intense. Some are sweet. Some are... very intense! :)

Anyway, what do you think?

From The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
From Legend by Marie Lu
From The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

From Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

From Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

From Divergent by Veronica Roth

From The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

From Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

From My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters by Sydney Salter

From Fragments by Dan Wells

Sigh. Well, one thing a person could gather from these examples... boys have soft warm lips!


  1. *sigh* Ugh… I just… I mean… My life just sucks. I'm gonna go read a kissy book. I hear Princess Bride is one.

    1. Megs: Princess Bride is a pretty awesome book actually. :)

  2. You already know my opinion on kissing in books, lol. I think I made that pretty darn clear at the last book club meeting. :D

    1. Jenni: I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time!

  3. Replies
    1. Julie: And don't we all! Well, most of us...

  4. Oh love a good smooching session in a book. I can't think of one right this second though. Being on the spot totally just made my brain freeze but I know I've read a few that just had me pausing and going whoa!

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

    1. Actually, I don't remember any of the kiss scenes in any of the books I've read. hmm Interesting. I do like writing them on occasion in my own stories though.

      A to Z commenter
      Reading at Dawn blog

    2. Cats and Dawn: Some I remember forever, and others not so much. I think a story is made much better by the addition of kissing though, just in case you wondered what I thought!

  5. Those were fun to read today. I can learn a lot from them. Guy has to put hand on girls cheek first, then lean closer-- unless guy is half dead, and girl does the leaning.
    A to Z Blogger

    1. Diane: Yep! This totally cracks me up! LOL! :)

  6. ^That is pretty funny!
    Anyway, I enjoyed this post. I cannot say I remember too many kissing scenes either but then my usual reviewing genre is kid's lit or middle-young adult. ;)
    New follower! and

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ew! Kissing, swooning - I might fit in with Jenni. :) Was there kissing in 'The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight'? Probably. That book made my heart a little fluttery - but seriously the female protagonist had terrible planning skills. :)

    Thanks for linking up with Spread the Love!
