Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A to Z Blogging: Geocaching

We got addicted to geocaching years ago when it was sort of still a new thing. Then other stuff crept into our lives and we pretty much dropped this pastime. However, we continued to look back on it with fond memories of all the cool places it led us to and all the off the beaten path spots we discovered.

Well, yesterday, my husband came home and said, "let's go for a walk." And so we did and on that walk we brought back the old practice of searching for geocaches! I took pictures of the experience.

P.S. In case you aren't familiar with what it means to go geocaching, it is when you take your GPS and go searching for "treasure" that other people have hidden. All the geocaches are listed on the website and you can go and find things stashed all over the world. It's pretty cool.

For other posts on G, check out the official A to Z Blogging Challenge site!


  1. I recently read about someone else who did this, fascinating.

    1. Rosie Amber: There are TONS of someone else's doing this! :)

  2. I've always thought that this sounded like so much fun!! I think it would be especially fun when the kids get a little older. it's been a while since I've visited from an actual computer--love your new header!

    1. Trish: Kids absolutly love doing this. And besides it's much more fun with kids too. So you should totally try it with yours. And thanks about the header! Simple, but fun I think.

  3. I've never heard of that before! I love that idea!

  4. Sounds like a treasure hunt. Sounds fun.

    1. Story: It's totally like a treasure hunt!

  5. We just started geocaching - and boo so far haven't found anything but have had lots of fun looking.


    1. Tanya: You haven't found stuff? You must be doing some dang hard ones! Well, some ARE pretty hard. We gave up on one last night.

  6. That is pretty neat. I've always wanted to give it a try. Lovely pictures from yalls walk!

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

  7. I've always wanted to do this too!! I am going to look at the website for some local ones in my area.

  8. that's good to know, I've never heard of this before. thanks for sharing. I hope you had fun, might have to try this this summer when we go on vacay.

  9. This looks really fun! :) It's my first time hearing something like this so thanks for posting! It was very interesting! :) By the way, I just started a book blog around last week and I was wondering if you might want to check it out? Maybe we can follow each other too! :D Just let me know!

    xx Jillian (jilliansbooks.blogspot.com)

  10. I got obsessed with geocaching for about 3 weeks, but haven't done it for years. I really should give it a try again as it was fun. Thanks for the reminder!

  11. I haven't gone geocaching in a long time, but I'd love to get back to it! Definitely a cool hobby :)

  12. I have never heard of geocaching until now, and it sounds pretty neat! I'm scouting so locations on the geocache map you linked to, and I think I'm going to give it a try. There aren't too many places in my neck of the woods though...
    - Jackie
