Thursday, April 3, 2014

A to Z Blogging: Celebrity Crushes

I was thinking I'd done a post somewhat in this vein in the past and thus could combine my Throwback Thursday and my A to Z Challenge into one post. But surprisingly, I can't seem to find a post from the past where I shared celebrity crushes. Lots and lots of character crushes, yes. But not celebrities (who are sort of more real life than characters, but still not REALLY real life. Know what I mean?).

Anyway, so I guess it's about time.

Oh, and this post only came to be because of the inspiration of Kami from Kami's Library Thoughts, who posted her crushes yesterday. So be sure and check out her list too!

My celebrity crushes change a lot. Currently, these guys have made the list:

Tom Hilddleston
The Smile!

Benedict Cumberbatch
The Eyes!

David Tennant
The Goofiness!
Aidan Turner
The Hair!
Josh Groban
The Voice!
Markus Zusak
The Words!
Well, there's more but I have to stop somewhere!

Who would you put on your crush list? You know you have one.


  1. Great list! I love that David Tennant made your list, because I love Dr Who! :)

    1. Terri: Wahoo for Dr. Who. I need to go watch all the Tenth Dr. episodes over again!

  2. Hilddleston and Tennant would definitely be on mine!

  3. I can see where you're coming from, although none of them are really my cup of tea lol!! Nice to read a post about crushes though ;)

    1. Suzy: So wait. Who IS your cup of tea? Now I'm dying to know!

  4. I do like Tom Hiddleston, but I don't really crush on him. He does have a cute smile though. David Tennant on your list made me laugh.

    1. Kami: He can SLAY with that smile. Like kill everyone. Loki doesn't need any powers. Just the smile.

  5. James McAvoy would top my list but there would also be room for Benedict Cumberbatch and a few others. :)

    1. Claire: I'm not that familiar with James McAvoy, though I agree, he's got it.

  6. I'm with you on Tom Hiddleston. He's adorable!
    Mine would be... Richard Armitage, Rupert Penry-Jones, Tom Hardy, Matt Lanter, and don't tell anyone but Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. ;)

    1. Melanie: Richard Armitage is on my list too, I just didn't add him here this time. And yes, those One Direction boys are stinkin' cute!

  7. I just don't understand everyone's crush on Benedict Cumberbatch. He's just not that good looking.... *ducks and prepares to be shot for heresy*

    1. Kate: LOL! You don't think those eyes are striking??? You know, I agree he is different looking and I think that perhaps with him it's more of his acting and characters then it is is actual look. The way he talks and the way he portrays himself... oh my word. Yeah. That.

  8. I've got a bit of a celebrity crush on Heston Blumenthal. I think it's to do with his thirst for knowledge, and of course the food he makes!

    Rebeccah Writes - A-Z 2014

  9. Tom Hiddleston is one of those who won me over with his acting. He's so good, when I first saw him in Thor I was like, who IS this guy? If I just saw that pic of him above I wouldn't think he's necessarily the hottest thing ever, but to see him in action, that adds a lot. It must be the same for Cumberbatch because he's so strange looking, but extremely captivating on screen.

  10. Did I tell you I was finally read The Book Thief? I got a bit slow with it in March, but should finish it soon!

  11. I had so much fun with this list! I totally agree with Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, though I would say it's Benedict's voice - that awesome voice of his. *sigh* James McAvoy too (I agree with your commentator). Colin Firth and Rupert Penry-Jones.....oh my.

  12. Very good list of celebrity crushes. I think I shall do a post about this at some point as well. :D And, I'm kind of wishing I signed up for the A to Z thing.

  13. Ummmm, love this post! I definitely agree with Loki and Sherlock!!
