Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Haven't Read

Okay, I've read a lot of stuff. But yes, there's LOTS I haven't read. Today's prompt is to list some popular authors that we haven't yet read. This should be pretty easy.

Ten Popular Authors I Haven't Read... YET

1. Tana French
2. Donna Tartt
3. Terry Pratchett
4. Gillian Flynn
5. Nora Roberts
6. David Leviathan
7. David Foster Wallace
8. Wally Lamb
9. Jennifer Weiner
10. Sarah Eden

So.... which author do I need to add to my list this very minute?

Link up your list over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. If you're in the mood for fantasy, Terry Pratchett is a lot of fun. I have bloggers to thank for my discovery of his books.

  2. I read Pratchett for the first time last year, and I absolutely loved the book I chose! It was the first in the Tiffany Aching cycle (within Discworld). Loved it. Absolutely loved it.

  3. I haven't even heard of some of those :(

  4. I can't believe you haven't read Sarah Eden! I love her stuff!

  5. I like Donna Tartt but reading her books is really a time investment--they are not quick reads!
    I really liked Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl but I didn't finish either of her other two books--the subject matter was just too dark for me.

  6. I'd just skip ever reading something by Nora Roberts. Terry Pratchett scares me. There's just too many books under that author's belt and I have this weird theory that authors with too many books aren't that great. I know. Weird.

  7. Oh my, how did I forget Tana French on my list. I love the suspense genre and stuck with my choices of haven't but want to read. If you haven't read the classic Rebecca by Daphne duMaurier, you must :-)

  8. I've never read any of those either.

  9. I've read and enjoyed several of those - French, Flynn and Lamb. Weiner I didn't care for as much but so many people do, I may have to give her another chance. Next week I start Tartt's The Goldfinch; little nervous about it. I'd definitely recommend making time for French - of those I've read, I'd say her books have the widest appeal.

  10. Terry Pratchett is such a witty writer! The others I am less familiar with myself. Here’s my TTT .
