Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thinking Random Stuff

I'm thinking stuff today. A few things anyway.

** We have survived wedding number one. All went well. It was a crazy party. The behind the scenes were chaotic, but those that came said it was tons of fun so that's what I'm going with! My son and his new wife are currently in Peru where she is from, visiting her extended family. I'm sure it's being the grandest of adventures. Two months until wedding number two!

** So I finally gave in and started watching The Walking Dead. Someone said "best character development in a show... EVER" so that did it. I had to see if I agree. Well, I'm not sure about the EVER part, but I AM sure, it's pretty dang good... the characters and the emotion. I was nervous for the violence, but I seem to be handling it okay. Though I was just now watching and had to hide my eyes and moan. Oh. My. Word. At this point I'm just a couple episodes shy of finishing season two. So far, I love Glenn.

** We also celebrated a birthday at our house this week. My baby is now 15. Is that crazy or what? She got Divergent for her birthday. I guess she's truly old enough for all those crazy awesome YA books now! We are looking forward to the movie. I hope it's good.

** So many good books out this month! I bought two of them today by a couple of my favorite local authors. Words of Radiance (the second after The Way of Kings) by Brandon Sanderson and Ruins (the third in the Partials series) by Dan Wells. I am so excited to read these books! I hope I find time to read them soon!  I have so many things I'm trying to read. So many.

** Still trying to write, to fix my terrible Nano story. My terrible story that I somehow love. And the most frustrating thing I'm finding now is that I can hear/see/envision this story in my head but I can't get it out in words. I really hope this comes with practice and that is just doesn't mean I totally can't do this.

** I had more thoughts and now I can't remember them.

** My house will never be clean again, I fear.

** It snowed yesterday. It's sunny today.

** We have a new book club schedule! Almost!

** I've been fascinated lately with wedding traditions and the waxing and waning of certain ones thereof. And who started these traditions in the first place? I may need to research.

** I started reading Destroy Me last night. Warner.. one of the most fascinating characters ever thought up!

** People, I want to go somewhere so bad. The wanderlust has kicked in. And I just don't see it happening in any sort of near future.

** What new music have you been fascinated with these days? I'm loving that Happy song. I need a new obsession regarding music. None of the American Idols are standing out to me, though I haven't really been watching.

** Jenni Elyse is planning a read along of The Lord of the Rings this summer. I hope to participate, if even a little bit. If you haven't read it yet, you should join us! Because, seriously, it's a really great story! :)

I guess that's all for my random spill of the day. What thoughts are you all thinking today?

Meet Glenn.


  1. congrats on the wedding and the birthday :) sounds like you are very busy , and where would you like to travel to this time ??

    1. Julie: Anywhere! Boston, Canada... I don't know!

  2. Happy birthday to your baby! Your daughter-in-law is gorgeous. I think the problem with your Nano story just means you need to keep going! :-)

    I've been thinking about my upcoming 3-day weekend.

  3. I will go see Divergent with you. We should get a group together! I'm excited to see our Book Club list!!

    1. Kami: Did you see the list? What did you think?

  4. Congrats on the wedding and birthday and I'm excited you are watching Walking Dead! Also, I'm traveling to New Zealand in Sept. and have already booked my Lord of the Rings tour, so rereading the books this summer is mighty tempting!

    1. Melissa: I'm so happy to finally be in the know regarding Walking Dead! And oh my word! A LotR tour in New Zealand? So much fun! I hope we get details!

  5. That Happy song is on pretty much non-stop at my house lately. I love it. :) I'll go see Divergent with you and Kami! And your Nano story is totally not terrible. I think we should switch a bigger chunk (like the first five chapters or something) so we can get a better feel for the story. I just really want to know what happens. :)

    1. Kathy: Sounds like Divergent will happen! And we had our "bigger chunk" discussion already. It's a deal!

  6. Congratulations to your son and his new wife; what a good-looking couple! I can't remember if it was Ann Patchett or Anna Quindlen but I recently read one of them said that books live in her head for sometimes years before she puts them on paper and they NEVER go onto paper the way she imagines them. So you're not alone and it clearly doesn't mean that what's landing on the paper is necessarily bad (which ever lady wrote it can clearly write a book worth reading!).

    1. Lisa: They are pretty cute aren't they! :) Thanks for the great writing advice. I'll remember it!

  7. I say that we go to Josh Groban concert together this summer... where ever one is... And I want a bigger chunk too! I wish I could go to Divergent with you! I am hoping maybe I can get a group together for that... And do you think I can handle the Walking Dead? And I'm curious about the wedding traditions comment, more details please.

    1. Megs: Seeing JG would be fun, yes. And I will send you a bigger chunk. And yes I think you could handle The Walking Dead. And there's too much to say here about wedding traditions!

  8. It's hard to believe Toto is already 15. She was so young when I first met her.

    And, I hope you can join my read-along! :D

    And, yay for watching The Walking Dead!!! It's awesome!!!

    1. Jenni: She was pretty young when I first met her too and I totally can't believe it!! :) Yay for the Walking Dead. Lots of things much change because in seeing some tweets today, I'm still lost on the convo!

  9. Yay for all the happies -- weddings, birthdays, etc.!!

    I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead and Glenn is one of my faves of the show, but I also love Michonne. I don't think you have met her yet.
