Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Things on My Reading Wishlist

This week over at the Broke and the Bookish they are asking for things we wish we could find in more stories.

 Now, okay. I'm a little scared about sharing my list because these are the things I want to write about should I actually fall into this writing thing as I'm hoping to do. Because, as they say, write what you want to read, and this is what I want to read yet haven't really come across out there in bookland. And sharing ideas is scary, sort of. Am I right?

Things on My Reading Wishlist
(aka. Things I Want to Write About)

1. YA cowboy romance
2. YA space opera
3. an 80s teen drama
4. a story starring band geeks
5. more books where ordinary people are the heroes
6. more books with vulnerable villains
7. a love story set in the late 30s just before WWII breaks out
8. a romance starring a socially awkward yet surprisingly brilliant boy
9. more books were best friends fall in love
10. more books that are inspired by song lyrics

What things do you want more of in your stories? And, would you read stories like the ones I've listed?


  1. I am all about band geeks and really hunt down books that feature musicians. You might like a book I just read called Stringz about a young boy who is brilliant with his cello and the friends he makes in the orchestra class.

  2. YA space opera? Yeah I'd read that just for giggles.

  3. Great picks and lots of interesting ideas! Books where best friends fall in love are adorable and so sweet to read; I'd definitely love more of those.

    My TTT :)

  4. Great list! I would totally read a book where best friends fall in love! And Ordinary people as heroes, complete with flaws? I'm there! Also like your idea for vulnerable villains! Can't wait to read these, so get writing! *L*

  5. More books inspired by song lyrics would be fun. The rest of your list is good, too!

  6. What a great variety of ideas you have!

  7. what an entertaining and creative list.
