Sunday, January 5, 2014

Currently: Let It Begin!


(as written on Saturday Night)

Listening: Hans Zimmer Pandora Station. One of my go to music spots. At this very moment it's playing The Dark Night. Love love love the music from all the Batmans! (Batmen?)

Watching: Last night we watched the new Star Trek which we got for Christmas. It was a repeat for me but a new watch for some in the group. Anyway, did I say I love that movie? I do. I love it. This week I also caught up on Vampire Diaries and Reign. Oh boy. And tomorrow... Downton Abbey! And soon... Sherlock! And American Idol which I think will finally be good again with Harry Connick Jr.! Don't you think?

Reading:Today I've been reading Last Train to Paris for a TLC blog tour. It has slow moments and good moments. I'm not sure how I'll be reviewing it. But am anxious to get to my list of Bout of Books reads this week. I plan to read some awesome ones.

Writing: I'm determined to make this happen this year. I want to go to conferences and form a writing group and get the guts to keep going to critique groups and have ideas and remember them and learn from people and be observant and find time and not not NOT get discouraged. This week, I started rewriting my first chapter of my Nano book, totally from scratch. And I made my character a little more grouchy and a little less perky. Still trying to decide if I should include the church scene. I really liked my church scene dang it.

Blogging: Gearing up for a Mini Bloggiesta this month (Jan. 25-26)! Are you in? We have a new look over at the main blog. Go check it out. Cool buttons too. Besides that, there's tons of author events this month and my author stalking tendencies are going berserk. I want to go to everything. 

Eating: Nothing of note. The Christmas crap lingers, but is almost gone. Yay for that. I need to make a menu plan. Menu plans are good and make life go so much smoother. It has to happen.

Crafting: I'm also determined to craft more this year. Back to quilting I say. I need to finish my hexes. What happened to my enthusiasm for that particular project, eh? Ah, there's so much to do!


  • Let me just say if I get through this year it will be a miracle. One (mostly likely two actually) weddings, a 30th high school reunion, a parent 50th anniversary celebration, and the possibility of both my grandparent's funerals. Not sure if they'll hold on much longer. Anyway, the thought of all that makes me nervous. "Wake me up when it's all over."
  • I wonder if I could lose 50 pounds in two months.
  • A new year of church starts tomorrow and I'll get a whole new crop of teenagers to teach.
  • My three college kids go back to school Monday. Let the stress begin.


  1. Oh good - I need the mini-Bloggiesta! I really, really want to finally get my books read onto my blog!

    1. Lisa: I expect to see you around that weekend then! :)

  2. I was very generous and gave away all the Christmas crap so it wasn't in my house... :)

    1. Kelly: I gave away stuff and still have the crap!

  3. I'm excited for more Sherlock and the min-Bloggiesta too! Bring it on 2014 :)

  4. Wow, you do have a busy year! I do think a lot of weight can be lost in a healthy manner fairly quickly, at least at the start, but I do sincerely hope you don't lose 50 lbs in two months as that would not be healthy at all.

    I commend you on your writing plans and encourage you to stick with them. The courage will come from taking those first steps out there and just doing it.

    1. Carl: Yeah, I could/would never be able to lose weight like that. Even if I got deathly ill probably! Anyway, even giving it a "normal" try I won't lose much...but even 5 or 10 pounds would be awesome! (I say as I sit here eating the cookies I made last night!)

  5. Yay for writing! Definitely come to LDS Storymakers, if you can. It's always a good time, especially when I'm there :)

    1. Susan: If I come, you'll be my friend there? You are coming for sure?
