Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nanowrimo Update: Week Two Slump

The word on the street is that if you participate in this Nano thing, you WILL feel a little discouraged during week two.

Yep, they are right!

Here's what I've been experiencing this week:

  • fighting the negative talk in my head "this is crap, why did you even try to do this, what will you do with this when this is over, this is all a waste, you can't write, why are you even trying, this is crap, this is crap, this is crap"
  • fighting the urge to go fix things... now! 
  • wondering where the HECK this is going. I feel like I'm in a fog with no direction. I have no idea what to do with my characters next. I'm second guessing everything I had in my head at the start.
  • And... I feel like things are happening too fast and I'm going to get to the end when I don't want to be at the end yet.
  • dreading the writing time instead of looking forward to it. That's because... as I already said, I don't know what to write next. (Ummm... I guess people often call this writer's block... yeah, that.)
  • finding time... time is always an issue, always
  • wondering how I make things SWOONY and not CHEESY! Man, I want to write something swoony so bad! It all comes out cheesy! GAH!! (Look for a future post on this soon!)
  • worrying about letting someone read this someday. It's a viable thing to worry about, don't you think? BUT, I shouldn't be thinking about that now. Write.. .just write and write and write.
Well, so there's a start of the "problems" of the second week for me. I am still keeping the word count up, just passed the 30,000 mark tonight. Wahoo! So, I feel committed for the long haul now. Here's hoping I can figure out enough story to last the remaining 20,000! If only I could go back and add the detail that I keep thinking about... but no... that is not allowed!

Here's to week three of newbie Nanoing!


  1. Ohh *.* this blog is so pretty :) i love trading and i love the blogs about trading ;) i am a new member ;)

  2. Keep up the great work - 30,000 words at the half way point is great. Remember the point is to make yourself sit down and write and getting the ideas out. Quality can come later.

    1. Lisa: Quality, if it comes at all, will definitely come later! :)

  3. Great job so far!!!

    Time is what is really getting to me. I have pretty much resigned to the fact that I will not be finishing 50,000 words by the end of the month. I just have way too much going on right now. BUT, I am still determined to keep on writing!

  4. Time is definitely an issue for me, too. Mainly because I have only so much time left before the arrival of baby Reading In Winter and I really want to get EVERYTHING done -- not to mention sit back and rest a bit. I'm not sure why, but finding just an hour to sit and write seems like such a HUGE thing to me.

    Good luck with your story! You've passed 30,000! That's wonderful!

    1. Kristilyn: Good luck with baby! I'm dying to hear the news!

  5. 30,000 is amazing. Just keep going - you'll get there and I don't think the negative thoughts change. I've written 8 mysteries and I fluctuate between thinking I'm brilliant and I write like crap. Fortunately friends encourage the brilliant part more than the negative thoughts.

    1. Ann: Thanks, as always, for the encouragement. And hey! I have finally bought a book of yours! But it doesn't seem to be showing up on my Kindle. I will investigate! :)

  6. Cheers you on and although I am not nano ..I wish you good luck to find the time , and not be too hard on yourself with writing.

  7. I can understand your issues. I've been through some of those, this week. The difference is probably that I've been through it enough to know it doesn't matter what you write. You can do it for the practice alone (that's the main reason I'm participating, just to get myself back into the swing of writing regularly) or just to be able to set a goal and succeed at it -- and you're definitely doing that! When it's over, you'll have learned a few things about writing and a lot about yourself. It's all good. BTW, enjoyed your excerpt. I've put a tiny one up, too. Tell me what you think, some time, please! :)

    1. Bookfool: You liked it? Really? :) And I have just read yours and it sounds awesome. Like the perfect kind of setting that I love. Keep it up!

  8. I can't believe you're doing this! That's sooooo cool! Hang in there. I want to read your SWOONY stuff someday.

    1. Jenny: I know! I'm so crazy! And here's hoping I figure out how to write that swoony stuff. It's hard!

  9. You can do it! I hope this week is much better for you.
