Thursday, September 5, 2013

Movie Review: Austenland

Movie: Austenland
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Starring: Keri Russell, JJ Field, Jennifer Coolidge, Jane Seymour
Rating: PG13
My Rating: Two thumbs up!

Yes, two thumbs, however, I would have to say that you should be in a romantic comedy sort of mood for this one! Not necessarily a silly mood, but maybe a little bit silly will help! Or, maybe if you aren't feeling silly at all, you will after seeing it!

What a fun movie! So this girl, Jane, loves Pride and Prejudice, actually all things Jane Austen, and especially Mr. Darcy. And don't we all? But her life is pretty much consumed with it. So, she decides to go to England where there's a place where one can act as if they are actually in a Jane Austen book, complete with hot hunks and romance.

She is so excited for this! But, when she gets there, things aren't so quaint and cool as she expected. It's a little bit hard to act like Elizabeth Bennett! But oddly enough, there is a guy who is very much like Mr. Darcy, mostly the pride part. And Jane is not impressed. She is much more attracted to the help! Before long, she is totally mixed up and doesn't know what's real and what's fantasy. It's awesome.

Ah, the antics that ensue! It's crazy fun, really. Crazy characters and crazy situations. Jane Seymour is awesome as the leader of the retreat, perfect really. And Jennifer Coolidge is absolutely wonderful as the crazy other client having her Austenland experience. Funny stuff.

The guy that played Mr. Nobley reminded me of Tom Hiddleston (aka. Loki), which was a good thing. But a little strange! What do you think?
JJ Field

Tom Hiddleston
Anyway, I do hope you all get a chance to go see it. It's only in a few theaters at the moment, but hopefully it will be everywhere soon!

Bottom line: Way too much fun! Much giggling from the audience!

Here's the trailer:


  1. So, I haven't gone to see this yet because I haven't read the book. But, I wanted to comment on your mention that JJ Field looks like Tom Hiddleston. It's an uncanny resemblance. They could be brothers just like Jane could be sisters with Alan Tudyk. ;)

  2. This looks so cute! It sounds like the perfect girl's night movie.

    1. Kathy: Yes, or even a date movie. Really. My husband giggled too...

  3. I absolutely loved it! My daughter and I never stopped laughing for the entire show. Great cast and well done. I came home and reread the novel I enjoyed myself so much.

    1. Kelley: Ah, fun! Maybe I'll re-read sometime!

  4. Sooooo...I wasn't a fan of the book, so I haven't really wanted to see the movie. Should I still see it?

    1. Kami: YES! When you are in the mood for something light and silly. :)

  5. I really enjoyed the book and can't wait to see the movie, but it's not playing anywhere around here. :-( I'm hoping it will come to this area, or at least be available on DVD soon!

  6. I haven't read the book so I was a bit surprised when I saw the trailer. Looks so cute and I love Keri Russell. And just the other day I was wondering why there don't seem to be many romantic comedies anymore.

  7. Jane Seymour was so perfect in this and Jennifer Coolidge was hilarious! LOL Mr. Nobley does kind of look like Loki. Great review! I loved this movie too :)
