Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blackmoore Launch Party!

We had a great time at yet another launch party the other night. This one for Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson, she who also wrote Edenbrooke which is well loved around these parts. And now I'm all into Blackmoore and anxious to keep reading and see what happens! It's quite different from Edenbrooke though, but I like that. I wouldn't want them all to be the same.

Anyway, so we showed up at The King's English bookshop, bought our books and marched on into the gallery where the event was to take place. There seemed to be a sort of line outside, which Jenni decided to go and mingle amongst. But Kami and I went on in. Later, we realized that it actually WAS a line, and we had just somehow slipped on by the cute little bouncer at the door and barged right on in before the setting up people were ready for us!
Waiting inside while the actual line was outside!

So inside, we stood there awkwardly wishing the thing would just start already. But we did get to see the author getting her picture taken with two cute boys dressed up as the romantic heroes of her books. That's got to be a little weird actually. And we watched them get things all ready, but they weren't setting up chairs. Usually for these things, there's chairs and you sit and listen to the author do a little spiel. And it's fun and enlightening and cool.
Julianne getting her picture taken with "Philip" and "Henry"!

But there was nothing like that! Instead, when they let all the people in, it was like a reception! And we were expected to mingle! What? Me mingle!? I don't mingle! So, more awkwardness! Kami and Jenni, also Carrie formerly of Stalking the Bookshelves, did corner the cute boys and had them take pictures with them. I passed on the experience, feeling extremely awkward (can you see I'm using this word a lot this post!) in my old middle age-ness, or something. Mostly, I just hate pictures. Like, for really.

Kami and the boys

Carrie and the boys

Jenni and the boys

Amway, then we finally were formed into a line to get our books signed. While waiting, we nibbled on English scones, where were quite yummy. Then we meet the author, and how cute does she look! She makes a perfect Regency lady! I loved it. And we took another picture.
Julianne Donaldson

Jenni, Kami, Julianne, Suey

She was very cute and sweet, but seemed so overwhelmed and like a deer in headlights. You could tell this was a new experience for her and she was quite... yeah... overwhelmed! So that was interesting and different from most of the authors we meet. Hopefully she ended up having fun when it was all said and done!

So, yes. It was a very different sort of launch party. I was disappointed we didn't get a little speech from the author. But maybe she was just too scared to do that this time. However, can I just say, I love her books! Really, like, a lot. So I hope she keeps up this trend!

Now, which author event is next? I can't remember, but I know, there's a TON of them coming up! Sweet!


  1. Sounds like an interesting evening - even if it was awkward for you and the author!

  2. That's such an interesting way to do a launch party. Kind of like a mini-Austenland, or something. I would have been right with you, feeling awkward and not getting my picture taken. :)

  3. Fun & awkward for all! How trange to expect a bunch of readers and an author to -- what? -- stand around and talk? ;)

  4. Wow! You're fast. My recap is going up tomorrow. Even though it was kind of weird because everyone mostly stayed in their groups, I thought it was kind of fun. But, yeah, I did miss the little spiel.

  5. It was a little awkward, but thank goodness for cute boys and food!

  6. So I am at the teacher store here in AZ today, when I discover Deseret Book is just across the way. So I had to stop by because I am missing all my cute, light, romantic reads... I browse some and find Edenbrooke! I was so excited... I must buy! I could go for a reread right now, I tell myself. Then I wonder to myself... "Does she have any new books out?" I didn't see any near Edenbrooke, so I browse some more. And then I find this book!!! I was SO excited I may have let out a little squeal! Embarrassing, I know, but what do you do? But I am so out of the loop I didn't even know it was new! I thought I was just... well out of the loop. So imagine my surprise when I just now read your blog!!! I so wish I could have come! It looks like it would have been a blast! You know I would have gotten a picture with those boys! Well, MEN, I should say! Quite dishy! I should become an author just as an excuse for things like this! Oh, wow, this comment turned into a novel, but I am just too excited that I am not so out of it after all! Now, if I could just find the time to read it!!!

  7. I wish I could have come! I love the costumes, etc... And I loved EDENBROOKE, so I'm excited for BLACKMORE :)
