Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books Set in Utah

In following with the Utah Book Month theme, I'm doing my Top Ten Tuesday (brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish) on books set in Utah. And it's harder than you'd think. Mostly because I wanted to stay away from the hardcore religious themed books, and also the nature guide books, and such! Ha. Anyway, here's what I came up with:

Top Ten Books Set in Utah

1. Papa Married a Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald: the non fiction account of the life of the author's mom and dad

2. The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald: a childhood favorite of many

3. Promises by Carolyn Twede Frank: I just recently read and really enjoyed this pioneer story set in Utah's Bryce Canyon

4. The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale: we are reading this for book club next month.

5. The Passage by Justin Cronin: many parts later on in the book take place here in Utah.

6. The King's English by Betsy Burton: the account of how this lovely local bookstore was founded.

7. Back When You Were Easier to Love by Emily Wing Smith: both her books are set here actually.

8. The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer: isn't this one about our famous killer, Gary Gilmore?

9. Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer: a controversial event in Mormon history is told again.

10. The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne: a recent favorite of many about our local Salt Lake librarian!

And actually, there's a couple of these I haven't yet read. Not sure I will either!

And so, what books did I blatantly forget, because I'm sure there's at least a few.


  1. My current read takes place in Orem! It is If I Forget, You Remember by Carol Lynch Williams. It mentions the Orem Library and other places. I love it!

  2. Also Sweethearts by Sara Zarr (set in Salt Lake). I've only read two from your list, but I'm curious about the rest.

  3. Have you read Papa Married a Mormon? I loved The Great Brain books as a kid!

  4. I think the only book I've read set in Utah is Evie's Knight, but I really enjoyed it!

    My TTT.

  5. Somehow, I knew you would pick this topic! Heck, I almost picked it :) The only one of these I've actually read is BACK WHEN YOU WERE EASIER TO LOVE (which I adored).

  6. I like what you did with this! Actually Brodi Ashton's Everneath series is set in Park City

  7. Indiana has so few books set in it. This is a great list!

  8. We had a lot of overlap today! Maybe we need to start and official list of books set in Utah for the Utah Books blog. :)
