Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Things that Make Blogging/Reading Easier

I tend to make my blogging and reading life pretty simple, so I'm not sure how I'll answer this question. But I'd thought I'd give it a try anyway. And I'm very excited to see what everyone else comes up with! Check out all the links over at The Broke and the Bookish!


1. Goodreads: for book images and remembering character names. I rarely use the synopsis, but it's there if I need that too!

2. Book Blogger Search Engine: to find other bloggers' reviews of the same book so I can blurb them in my reviews

3. Google: to find images and author websites and reviews I can't find on the BBSE

4. Google Docs (I mean Drive!): for jotting down ideas, keeping track of dates, creating forms and such.

5. A plain old simple paper pocket calender: for planning when I'm going to post things, thinking ahead and all that. Love this little tool actually.


1. My Kindle: it really is easier to hold and read than a book. Gasp, did I say that? And it's much easier to get your hands on a book too, because you just push a button and BAM, you have the book. I'll never get over it.

2. Amazon: I know many of you hate it, but it goes hand in hand with the above mentioned magic of my Kindle.

3. A good light: natural is the best, but a nice big lamp is great too, or a reading light, or a lit up e-reader!

4. Bookmarks: I love my crazy homemade pile of variety!

5. Goodreads: Again! For keeping track of what I've read of course. I guess the written journal thing has fallen by the wayside now, which makes me sad, but I've moved totally to Goodreads for this keeping track bit.

So... what would you put on your list today?


  1. I definitely agree with Goodreads, both as a reader and a blogger!! Love it!!

  2. Good choices! I think I forgot Amazon, though I post reviews there to eventually become a Vine Member and I also scan it weekly for new titles. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Goodreads definitely! I didn't know there was such a thing as a book blogger search engine. Cool!

  4. I don't hate Amazon! I think it's wonderful. I know I shouldn't admit that, but I do! Goodreads is wonderful :-)

  5. I did not know there was a Book Blogger Search Engine! That is beyond awesome!

  6. Ooh, I didn't know about the search engine either. That's so helpful!

  7. I should have thought of Amazon--the provider of all things readable :)

  8. That custom search is beyond cool.

  9. I hadn't seen the book blogger search engine before. Good to know!!
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  10. I'm glad to bring the BBSE to everyone's attention! Go make sure you are on it! http://fyreflybooks.wordpress.com/about/book-blogs-search/

  11. I also need a calendar, like a weekly or monthly one.

    Rebecca @ Love at First Book

  12. I love collecting bookmarks. Their such a fun, easy souvenir and every time I read I get to enjoy memories from that place.
