Sunday, August 18, 2013

Currently: It Rained!


(as written on Saturday evening)


It's just been Pandora this week, lots of 80s music and classic rock and some Latin stuff too. I'm really needing some new cool music to get into.

In just a week or so, it'll be the Richard Marx concert! Ah, he is so much fun! And then the month after that, the Muse concert! Rock on! And then the month after that JOSH!!! Seventh row!!! I can't wait to see him again!

And Monday at the outdoor theater we are seeing the one dude from The Righteous Brothers. And I hope he sings this song and makes is sound just like this:

Ah, I can tell you right now that I'll be having the chills for sure!


I finished Merlin this week... it was the whole complete series finale. Ugh! Such sadness! But we all know what happens in the end, right? Anyway, I have plans to do a whole post about this series and my thoughts on it all.

We rented and watched Mud last night. Pretty good little coming of age movie. Perhaps I'll do a full review of it too. 

My kids have been obsessed with Psyche, so I'm hearing that one a lot. But I haven't done much watching of it myself. 

That's about all I've watched. Haven't been doing much watching lately. It's still so strange to me that the TV season is so dead in the summer when there's actually more time to watch things. Whatever I suppose.


Working on my Utah books, but this week I'm going to add in some non Utah ones. Gasp, I know. But yeah, oh, well.

I actually haven't finished much this week, so stay tuned because this next week, I'm going to finish TONS!


I suddenly seem to have much going on the blogging plate! It's possible I may be a bit optimistic! See if you agree:

  • I signed up for Bout of Books today, and that gets started this week.
  • There's Utah Book Month still going on strong!
  • Bloggiesta is next month and I need to get that ball rolling again! (Host sign ups coming soon!)
  • I'm co-hosting a Book Thief read long in September with Kathy and Kami! (Sign ups Monday!)
  • I've requested several review copies from Netgalley, all being released soon.
  • I'm doing a blog tour book in a couple of weeks, and it's been awhile since that happened!
  • Plus there's a blogger party IRL on Sept. 7th. I need to plan things!
Whew. I've lost my mind.


I made some yummy stuffed peppers this week. I think that's the only dinner I've made in weeks. Dinner is falling by the wayside at our house. Makes me sad. Maybe with school starting we can try to get that going again.

Basically I'm eating like crap, which is not very newsworthy as it is the normal for me. Something needs to change!


  • School starts on Tuesday! Well, for one kid. College starts the next week for two kids, and the next week for the last kid! Wahoo! I think.
  • I'm going to be making root beer in a garbage can next week. I'll take pictures.
  • We went through a bunch of clothes and gave them away. That's so refreshing!
  • But what is most refreshing is that it rained today!
  • Oh, and P.S. it's our anniversary tomorrow! (Today when you are reading this!)
I think that's about all going on around here!


  1. Ooh ... I might have to sign up for the Book Thief read-along! I was just talking to another blogger about that one and how it's been on my shelf FOREVER. I'll be keeping my eye out! :)

  2. Oh lordy, you do have your blogging plate full!

  3. You sound very busy :) Happy Anniversary

  4. Happy Anniversary (a day late)!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!

  5. Thanks for all the anniversary wishes to you all!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love that song too. And I just finished watching Merlin too. I was glad they stuck with the legends and the end was the ending we all know. I'm watching Robin Hood now.
