Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Review: Seers by Heather Frost

Book: Seers by Heather Frost
Genre: YA Supernatural
For: Utah Book Month
From: A book exchange at a work party

I first heard about this book and author when her grandma came up to the library administration offices, handed us some book swag (and a book too I think!) and said, "Here. You need this book in your library! She's even local!"

We thought, wow, aggressive!

Later I saw the author at the favorite LTUE conference and thought, wow, she is WAY too young to have written a book already!

So my first impressions, before even picking up the book was that I was a little bit wary and skeptical, you know? How unfair is that!

But how wrong those first impressions were! It turns out that this book is awesome! It kept my attention constantly through the whole book (and it's not the smallest thing) and I fell in love with the characters completely. It's one of those books where, when not reading, I'm thinking about it and wondering about the characters and longing to get back to them. However, it only took me a day and maybe a half to read this book, so I didn't have much of that yearning to do really!

It's the story of a girl who, after a near death experience, can suddenly see the auras of people around her, which lets her know their emotions. Then one day a new guy (always the new guy!) comes to school, and she can only see silver around him. And he gives her a bit of the creeps because of that and she can't tell what's up with him at all! A couple of other weird things happen and when she finally gets the guts to talk to this dude, she finds out...well, I want you to read it and find out what too!

But maybe I'll say one thing... he's Irish, complete with accent and piercing blue eyes and all.

Anyway, this discovery sends her and her new friends on an adventure which turns out to be quite more complicated than they first expected, and quite the dangerous one.

I loved these guys! Both Patrick and Kate.. and there's an especially wonderful sidekick, Toni, with an awesome comic relief sort of personality that we all love. I loved the simple and straightforward writing that kept me reading and the end was so nicely wrapped up and yet left me hanging at the same time... perfectly setting up the sequel (and trilogy.)

Bottom line: I really enjoyed this one, a lot.

Other Reviews:

The writing style is quite good,the story flows easily and in general,I was quite pleasantly surprised by the way Heather Frost managed to deliver her story. From Books to Brighten Your Mood

I thought this book was great, and well written. This is the author’s first book, and I was very impressed. From LDS Women's Book Review


  1. Awww, I think it's sweet that her grandma is promoting her book. Now that's an awesome grandma :)

  2. This sounds really interesting! I am running out of Utah book month for all the things I want to read. :)
