Thursday, August 15, 2013

Book Review: Pros of Prozac by Beca Mark

Book: Pros of Prozac by Beca Mark
Genre: Memoir of sorts
Rating:★ ★ ★ ☆☆
For: Review
From: ebook provided by the author

I read this book awhile back and just haven't managed to get to a review. Mostly because I'm not sure what to say or how to review this book! But I figured since it's by a Utah author, now is the time!

It's small little thing, easily and quickly read, about the author's experience with depression and how discovering Prozac brought her relief and peace and helped her to join the world again. It was interesting reading for me because, while not suffering with depression myself (at least I think I'm not! Maybe I am some days?? Well, I do know I have an anxiety issue at least!) there are many in my family that do. So it was interesting and eye opening to read about what that's like and how this author managed to try and describe it, which I'm sure is not an easy thing to do.

And then there's the fear of revealing this problem to people, another aspect of depression that she talks quite a bit about, and how that now, she embraces and talks about it with everyone! And now the book!

I know for many people with depression, it's really hard to find the right medicine that will help you specifically, and she talks about this and how her whole world opened up when she finally tried Prozac and how wonderful it least for her.

It's really quite the advertisement for this drug and if you or anyone you know is pondering taking it, it will answer many of your questions I'm sure.

Anyway, the writing is short and sweet and simple. She says she did that on purpose because she knows that people with depression have hard time focusing on things for a very long, that they have short attention spans, so she wrote the book to be very easy to read. And that it is!

Bottom line: Very interesting and blunt look at depression and how this author was able to overcome it.

Other Reviews:

Overall, I think this book is really good. I would definitely recommend it, especially if you’ve suffered with anxiety and/or depression, and have maybe thought about whether or not you should take medication for it. From Should Be Reading

I found the book was very easy to read, filled with personality, and surprisingly enjoyable, especially given my experiences with anxiety medications and beta-blockers. From Roundtable Reviews

It is short but powerful and inspirational. From Book Queen Reviews

This book covers the importance of knowing your family history, knowing that you ARE NOT ALONE, knowing ALL about your medication if that is what you choose, know your resources, understand the STIGMA, and that medication is not a solve-all. From Funny Postpartum Lady


  1. This sounds interesting! I think it's great that a drug works that well and helps someone so much.

  2. Interesting issue. I know Utah has a lot of Prozac users, but that's all I know. This sounds like this book covers an important angle.
