Sunday, July 28, 2013

Book Review: Descendant by Nichole Giles

Book: Descendant by Nichole Giles
Genre: Fantasy
For: Fun
From: Bought for my Kindle

This was one of those books where I sort of went up and down in my liking of the story. Sometimes I really liked it, and sometimes I was liking it not so much. Sadly, I've waited too long to write my review and now can't remember all the reasons why! But I'll try.

So, this is the story of Abby who has just moved to Jackson Wyoming following the strange and mysterious death of her grandmother. She is Gifted, with the powers of healing and visions but she is just barely learning how to use them. When she comes to this new place, she meets some kids who she finds out are also Gifted and they go on an adventure to prevent the dark powers being unleashed and taking over the world.

The thing I most enjoyed about this story was the flashbacks to how Abby was connected to another life. Very fun, and that other life was a really cool fantasy life and all quite fascinating. I would have liked more of it!

I think the thing that bugged me most about this story was the sort of insta-love that some of us get annoyed with. Yes, the love thing happened really fast in this one! (But there's actually a reason for that!) And then they went off on a cross country trip adventure, and I always have issues with that because I can't imagine 16 (or 17) year olds actually ever doing this. I mean, I KNOW the book is fantasy and all, but still, when teenagers do these kinds of things, I'm always thinking, yeah, right.

But the story was very exciting and intense and the ending was crazy and had some twists that I enjoyed and wow, it was all quite the thing! So because of that, in the end, I'm giving it a pretty good rating after all and I look forward to more.

Bottom line: Fun exciting story, really, it was!

Other Reviews:

I really liked Abigail and Kye’s relationship a lot. I wanted them to actually have more romantic scenes, because that was where the book shined. From Books of Love

It’s a never been done before take on magic and the like, and it’s definitely a fast read! From Tar Heel Bibliobabe

WOW just WOW. When I started this book it was like BAM, EMOTIONS! From Read-a-holicZ


Just shortly after reading this book, the author came to the library with a couple of other authors, and so I took a picture!
Tristi Pinkston
Michelle Davidson Argyle
Nichole Giles

They talked about writing romance, and even though the audience was very very small, they got a pretty good discussion going about all sorts of fun romantic topics! Now, I need to go ahead and read some books by the other two authors. Stay tuned for those next month during Utah Book Month!

1 comment:

  1. Fun that you reviewed this right when you could see Nichole at the panel! Thanks for coming! I'm glad you liked the book too! I love your reviews. :)
