Thursday, June 27, 2013

Extreme Mini Reviews: Top Ten 2006

Before I blogged, I kept track of the books I'd read in a notebook and then made a top ten list at the end of the year. For those lists, I've since written up an "extreme mini reviews" post... all except the year 2006... the year before I started blogging.

So today I give you extreme mini reviews for my Top Tens from 2006!

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz: This book blew me away with its dark Gothic intrigue, its complicated literary plot and its crazy characters. Loved it totally!

These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner: I have since revisited this book for book club and remembered that I loved the diary style of this book and how that shows the character's progression. So awesome. And besides, this is one of my all time favorite love stories.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: I've also since re-read this one for book club and raved about it in its own post. The story is so moving and so powerful and so sad. At the point of reading this book, I had never before read anything at all like it. 

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen: This book was a re-read for me back in 2006 for book club. It was fun to remember how awesome Col. Brandon is and how crazy in love dear sensible Elinor is. Love this story, and I'm thinking it's about time for yet another re-read.

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld: Wow, this book took the book world by storm! I loved this first installment and but the follow ups weren't quite was wonderful. Anyway, this book started a whole new vocabulary that I even still use today and has a love triangle that made me crazy.

Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini: Another popular book set that year. I really enjoyed Eragon, but Eldest was totally amazing with its twists and turns and stuff.

Sunshine by Robin McKinley: I can't remember if I read this one before or after know... I'm think it was before, because it was summer I remember and Twilight was in the fall. Anyway, one of the best vampire books I've read... still... even after the deluge! 

Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz: This was an Oprah book club book which I was still getting into a bit back in 2006. However, I can't remember anything about it now! It must have been good though!

The Stolen Child by Keith Donohue: Oh...yeah...this one was creepy stuff! I think I read with an online book club so it's one of those books I would not have picked up otherwise. I get chilly just think about it, but yet once again, I can't quite remember the details! Ugh, I hate how that happens!

Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende: Loved this historical romance about a girl from South America who comes to San Francisco during the gold rush and ends up falling in love with a Chinese guy. 

Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer: Yeah, so I don't think I need to say much here! I read these books that fall, after I'd seen a newspaper article about New Moon and so I put them both on hold at the library. Strange concept. And read them both during that month when they finally came to me. Then I went out and bought them for Christmas. And read them again. 

Extreme Mini Reviews from other pre-blogging years:


  1. This is a really fun idea. I kept track of my reading in paper journals for about four years prior to starting blogging. It is interesting because, while I considered myself an invested reader before becoming a blogger, when I look back at these journals compared to the blog I read two to three times as much now, if not more, in comparison to some of those years. I thinking writing about books and reading others' writings about books begets reading. If throws gasoline on that already burning flame.

    Shadow of the Wind is one I promise myself I'll read every year for RIP and no doubt it will be on my list again this year.

  2. There are some amazing books on this list!! Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorite books of all times and I really want to re-read it one of these days. Also, love Kite Runner and Paolini's books. Just read Uglies this year and it was a fun one!

  3. I really like this idea, though truth be told all of my Goodreads reviews are extremely mini. It's actually really strange to me now writing longer reviews for my blog.

  4. I loved Westerfeld's Uglies series and Shadow of the Wind is one of my all time favourite books. I LOVED McKinley's Sunshine - I thought it was a great take on vampires, and although it had a sort of ambiguous ending so I wasn't sure if there was another book coming out or not, it really didn't bother me. I know a lot of McKinley fans were up in arms because the whole setting and writing was SO different from her usual stories, but I pretty much worship any book created from her brain.

  5. Such a fun idea. I am glad you do this type of post.

    I agree with you, Sunshine is one the best vampire books. I do, however, love Robin McKinley books. Have you read Peagus? Love that book and cannot wait for the sequel.

    I read The Kite Runner and while I liked it, I did not love it like everyone else and had no desire to read any other by this author.

    I did love the Twilight series when I gobbled in down several times back in 2009 or so. Don't think I would care for them so much currently.

    Uglies was a good book and my 15-year old daughter ate up the series.

    The rest of your books listed,I have not read.

  6. I remember reading "These is My Words" and adored it too. Drowning Ruth was a dark book, if I remember correctly-I think we were both reading some similar things back then--I have about 4 years of paper book journals also and occasionally look back through them--This list idea (on the blog) is a great idea!

  7. I've liked quite a few of those titles. Especially remember These is My Words and I was pleasantly surprised with Sunshine as I didn't really expect to like "a vampire book" but I did. McKinley shines.

  8. 2006. I don't think I realized that Twilight was that old but I don't really remember when I first learned of it. I read Drowning Ruth as well and liked it but I couldn't tell you what it's about either.
