Monday, June 24, 2013

Beehive Award Nominees 2013

Every year when the summer program at the library starts, they kick it off with talking up the books that have been nominated for Utah's Beehive Award. Actually, there are many categories, but they talk up the YA ones to the teens.

Here's what made the list this year:

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Wrapped by Jennifer Bradbury
Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine
Welcome Caller This is Chloe by Shelley Coriell
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Ungifted by Gordon Korman
Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
Legend by Marie Lu
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Pretty awesome list, eh? Which one would you vote for as your favorite? I don't think I could do it! And also, I've only read five of these! I need to get busy I'm thinking!


  1. That is a tough choice!! I love a lot of those books, but I think I would pick Rot and Ruin and The False Prince.

  2. I don't think I can really share an honest opinion since I have only read one of these books so far (Cinder). BUT, I really want to read so many more!! Does that count?!? :)

  3. Wow! I've read 6 of them and for me, it would be a toss up between TFIOS and CINDER. I'd probably go with the former, just because of the clever writing and the fact that Green does something different with a tired theme.

    I hope you're having fun on your vacay. I'm so jealous !
