Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Author Events: YA Panel and Brandon Sanderson

Another little report on some more author events!
Mette Ivie Harrison
Donna Weaver
Kristen Chandler
J. Scott Savage
A few weeks ago we had a YA panel at the Orem Library. Some of my favorites were there, including the very sweet and knowledgeable J. Scott Savage. They talked mostly about the business and the writing and the secrets they have with all of it. Much of this I've now heard from some of these authors over and over again! But still I go to support them and say hi.

Although I had to rush home this night and didn't stop to say hi or get anything signed (all the recent books I had for these authors were on my Kindle and I forgot to bring my new Kindle signing journal!)

Then just the other day Brandon Sanderson came to the Provo Library. Wow, there were a LOT of people that came out for that one! It seems like just a few years ago I was at a signing where he sat there with no one at his table. Things change!

He talked about his new YA book, The Rithmatist and how that got started. Then  he read a bit from it and then he answered lots and lots of questions. He aslo read a bit from the new Way of Kings book (I forgot what he's calling it) stuff that he had just written that very day. It was pretty cool.

Here's some pictures, and even a little video clip!

Always there's cool things and decorations on the wall!

This is Gene! He's the library director and he says
we bloggers are there so often he needs to get us a room!

Brandon Sanderson

Wait? Is that my cousin Erika?
Yep! She is the new program director for the library!
She has some big shoes to fill, but she can do it!

My buddy Kami from Kami's Library Thoughts was brave enough to ask a question!


  1. Your author event recaps are so much better than mine! I love that video. I hope you don't mind that I posted it on my blog as well. I gave you credit ;)

  2. How awesome! I picked up Sanderson's new book just the other day. Read a bit just because I couldn't resist but had to put it aside as I have way too many other books going right now.

    I was hearing stuff about his new Stormlight Archives book just the other day. Getting really excited about that one. Can't wait to see what Whelan does with the cover too. He was talking to me about it at SFAL the other day, saying that Tor hadn't gotten back to him yet about the many sample ideas he had passed their way.

    Glad you got this opportunity, and love seeing authors do things at and in support of libraries.

    1. Carl: I've only read the first couple of pages. CAn't wait for the new Stormlight book, though he wouldn't commit to a date... they aren't sure yet.

  3. Brandon's one of my favorite authors of all time.
