Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Classics Club May Question: What Are You Reading?

It's a bit of a classics check in this month! Here's the question (found over at the main blog here):

Tell us about the classic book(s) you’re reading this month. You can post about what you’re looking forward to reading in May, or post thoughts-in-progress on your current read(s).

So... I'm thinking this post is going to be all about my failing this challenge! Yes. It's sad, but true.

First of all, I've been working on Vanity Fair since the read along started in.... what?... February? It's because shiny, newer books keep popping up! And books that I need/amsupposedto review! So, I can't really blame the book, because the book is fine, really. The read is not that hard, but it is... different. And the other books are, well, easier. You see. Gah, I'm determined to finish it! And it just so happens that I'm done with all the other books, at the moment! So maybe I'll read some VF tonight... maybe. Or at least a chapter.

As for what I'm looking forward to reading from my classics list. Well. I look at my list and I'm not getting very excited about anything. Maybe I need to revamp my whole list? Maybe, I'm just in a mood, you know? Dang. I need to be at least excited about my list!!

And then, there's the fact that I've hardly read any classics so far this year! Um, don't I have to read like 10 a year to accomplish the goal? I think so. 

Yeah. I'm pretty much failing at this at the moment. Maybe I can redeem myself at some point. But I don't see it happening for awhile.

How's the classic reading going for the rest of you classic clubbers?


  1. I think you definitely have to be in the right mood to read a classic. I've picked up Jane Eyre several times this year, but have put it down for other books that have caught my eye.

  2. I'm re-reading the entire SELECTED JOURNALS OF LUCY MAUD MONTGOMERY, VOLUMES 1-5. While they might not be officially classics, she wrote plenty of the classics we know and love (Anne of Green Gables, Emily of New Moon), and they're certainly old enough to be classics!

    1. Caroline: Those sound pretty fascinating actually!

  3. Replies
    1. Melissa: Ugh, I'm dying! And you just BLAZED right through it!

  4. I've been doing ok at this challenge. I recently re-read The Great Gatsby. (Yay!) I do want to get to Les Mis this year...eeek!

    1. Jennifer: I don't know why I have to struggle with it. I should re-read The Great Gatsby. I never did like it, maybe that's changed...

  5. I love Vanity Fair, but I admit that the last two times I've "read" it, I've gone the audio route. Sometimes this kind of chunkster read really lends itself to listening rather than reading--that way you can follow the shiny lures of other books, and still make progress on your commute, or in the car, or walking.

    Good luck!

    1. Jane: Everyone tells me this! But... I'm afraid I'd fall right to sleep and get nothing!

  6. I'm reading Germinal by Emile Zola. It's surprisingly gritty for a 19th century novel.

  7. My problem is that I'm reading classics, but not the ones on my list!! :)
    This is crazy!!

    And this will be the first month I answer the question because I've joined The classics club recently, and I'm really excited!!!

  8. Dear Suey.

    Put Vanity Fair back on the shelf and just forget about it. Seriously. Right now. I want you to report back to me on twitter when you've done this. It's not worth the stress and worry. REALLY. If you must know what happens, watch the BBC mini-series.




  9. I just finished Little Women which I loved and started listening to the Great Gatsby in anticipation of the movie and hearing from so many what a wonderful book it is. I haven't attempted Vanity Fair but i have been listening to my classics on audiobook and find it a good way to knock them off my list! Good luck with your classics!

  10. Oh my, I could have written the same post - except my book that I've been working on since February is Les Mis. And I love classics; I don't know why I'm not reading more of them.
