Monday, May 13, 2013

Allons-y a Paris!

It's quite possible, in fact very very possible, that I'll find myself in Paris this summer! I am still freaking out about this thought. So excited. 

Anyway, awhile back I got a letter (dang I'm so behind in my letter writing!) from Melissa (Avid Reader Musings) and, knowing this Paris plan of mine, she suggested some awesome reading material for me.

Which makes me wonder what else you all think I should read before going?  (Melissa comment with your suggestions again if you remember them!)

Some books that I have already read with Paris as the setting include:

A Tale of Two Cities
Les Miserables
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Anna and the French Kiss
Just One Day
The Davinci Code

... and I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

So, assuming I had any time to add them to my immediate TBR, what else should I read before going?

And while you are at it, what should I read with Spain as the setting? :)

Speaking of Paris, I'm currently going through some Pimsleur lessons to remember all the years of French I had... so many long years ago. Sad how you lose that stuff, but cool how it sort of kind of comes back to you too.


  1. This is so cool, Suey! Who needs BEA if you have Paris? That's a great reading list. Nothing else is coming to mind at the moment but if it does I'll let you know. How long will you be there and what sights and museums are you planning on seeing? I could maybe offer something on that topic. :)

    1. Holly: All the main normal sights! We'll be there for six days so I think we'll be able to fit a lot in. I'd love any tips you have on the subject! I do want to see as many literary type locations that I can for sure.

  2. Btw, I spoke a little bit of French when I was in Paris and it actually helped a lot. I got better cab fares and lower drink prices, so it's definitely worth it to attempt there language, and you probably know much more French then I do. I only took 101 at BYU.

    1. Holly: Interesting! I hope that they enjoy my efforts at the language. I guess we'll see how it goes. It's going to scare me though, I know, to have to talk.

  3. Yeah! I spent two weeks in Paris when I was a teenager. Boy, I wish I'd appreciated it more :)

    I think I read Die For Me by Amy Plum and it was set in Paris. Also Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly is set there too - an interesting mix of past and present Paris too. So excited for you!

    1. Melissa: I really want to read Revolution.

  4. Yay for Paris! I think I said A Moveable Feast (Hemingway), Time was Soft There (Mercer), Anna and the French Kiss (Perkins) and I can't think of the others. I'm so excited for you!

    1. Melissa: I remember you mentioned Revolution too, which jumped out at me. I think I have that one somewhere.

  5. Ooooh Paris, I am jealous! I'd recommend Paris, My Sweet by Amy Thomas. Nonfiction that will make you totally hungry for Parisian goodies :)
    I would love to find some good books about Spain/set in Spain...I went to Barcelona in 2009 and it was unforgettable!!

    1. Kelly:It won't take much to make me hungry for the goodies! We will be in Barcelona too, and I know nothing about that city!

  6. Exciting! The only one I'm thinking of is Suite Francaise, a WWII novel set in Paris. But it was pretty depressing.

  7. Well I don't have any fiction recs that aren't already on your list, but I do recommend getting Rick Steve's books for Paris (at least from the library.) But his ebooks are cool - I think they have walking tours and videos in them. Plus ebooks are easier to carry! :) Have so much fun in Paris!!!!

  8. Enjoy Paris, I went in high school and even the people who knew French it didn't help. If you get a chance try to go to Chatilly there is a beautiful chateau there.

  9. oh that sounds like a blast :) Have fun

  10. I'm very glad you get to go to Paris on your trip! It sounds divine and makes my green-eyed monster want to make an appearance. But, I'm going keep him at bay and be excited for you! I can't wait to read/hear all about it!

  11. OOH how exciting I have no book suggestion s- I am just so excited for you!

  12. So fun!

    I just finished Z: a novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, which is partly in Paris, but The Paris Wife, (about Hemingway's first wife) was wonderful.
    The Invention of Hugo Cabret? it's Paris, but in the 1930s, plus it's quick but fabulous.

    Oooh! I know just the book. Waiting for Gertrude by Bill Richardson is a wonderfully silly book about reincarnated cats in a cemetary (no, really) but it is about all the famous people who lived in Paris and died there. It's a real, famous cemetary.

  13. How exciting! I am just a little bit jealous at even the possibility of going to Paris!

  14. Wow! So cool! I hope that it all works out for you! You can then come back and share some pics with us and we can all live vicariously through you!! :)
