Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Liked....

...More Than I Thought I Might

....or something like that. 

Yes, so this week's list prompt (check it out and link up over at The Broke and the Bookish) is to list books we didn't like as much as we thought we would OR books we liked MORE than we we thought we would. So, for my list I'm going with the second, though, I want to say that I knew I'd like these books, but I thought they would just be, you know, the normal liking, when in fact, they turned out to be a much more powerful thing, even bordering on loving.

So maybe I can call this list "books I knew I'd like, but it turned out I loved!" OR "books I liked better than normal" OR "books that everyone liked and I figured I would too but then I ended up LOVING them more than everyone else seemed to love them!"


Anyway, the list:

1. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson
2. The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
3. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
4. Finnkin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
5. The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima
6. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
7. For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund
8. About a Boy by Nick Hornby
9. Room by Emma Donoghue
10. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

Yep, so while these books didn't necessarily surprise me, it did surprise me how much I took to them and added them to all my favorite lists immediately! I love it when that happens. Know what I mean?

What's on your list today?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I had a similar experience with Anna - I was prepared to like it, but I didn't realise how much I would end up loving it. I haven't read About A Boy for years, but I do really like that book, and I thought it was a shame in a film that they took out all the stuff about Kurt Cobain. Great list!

  3. YAY! Another Seven Realms fan! I had The Demon King on my list too. High fantasy isn't typically my go-to genre, but this series ranks among my all time top favorites. It's absolutely incredible.

    TTT at Krista's Dust Jacket

  4. Anna and the French Kiss made my list too, but on the other side.

  5. I have sadly only read one of these books and I didn't love it as much as you (Room)! :( BUT, I have been wanting to read so many of the others!!

  6. I finally read Anna and the French Kiss a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved it! But I was expecting to, so I didn't at it to my list :).

    My TTT

  7. The wording is super awkward for this weeks topic, isn't it? And I chose to do more negative ones than positive, but good for you!

  8. Way to go for choosing the high road! I did a list of both. I needed to grip a little bit. ;)

    And, I agree with you about Anna. I thought I'd like it, but I ended up LOVING it. :D

    My TTT Post

  9. Under the Never Sky surprised the heck outta me! I got it cheap on Kindle when it was on sale and I ended up LOVELOVELOVing it!

  10. I've wanted to read The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet! I don't know if I'd like Anna and the French Kiss, but I might try it someday….And there was no way that I thought a sci-fi Jane Austen could work, but it did! I loved For Darkness Shows the Stars, too.

  11. The only one on your list that I've read is UNDER THE NEVER SKY and funny enough, it's one I keep seeing on this week's TTT lists. I think it's one of those sneaky books that looks so unassuming, but ends up being awesome. Love that!

  12. If I had done this list I would have picked Under the Never Sky, too! Maybe it was the cover that made me not expect much? I don't know, but I ended up loving it. :)
    I've been avoiding For Darkness Shows the Stars because I feel like it will just be meh. Maybe I should give it a chance.

  13. A lot of these are on my TBR list, so it looks like I've got some good reading someday. I had Anna and the French Kiss once from the library but I didn't end up having time to read it. I tried not to freak out about the title, since my daughter's name is Anna and right now I don't really want to associate her with any kind of kissing!

  14. Man, I feel out of the loop - I haven't read any of these and have only heard about a third of them. Uh oh, that means it's time to add more books to the TBR mountain (I passed "pile" sized a long time ago). :-)

  15. LOVED The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford and Room by Emma Donoghue!!! They actually both surprised me with how much I enjoyed them and how emotional they made me (especially Room)
