Saturday, February 23, 2013

Where In The World Are You Reading: Comfy Spot

The question this month for the Where in the World Are You Reading meme is:

Where's your comfy reading spot?

And the answer is:

My bed of course!!!!

And for those of you keeping track, see that blank wall above the bed? THAT'S where my hexagon wall quilt is going to go, along with an awesome wooden quilt hanger thing that I'm going to get my husband to make! Should we keep track of how long that's going to take us??? 

Anyway, reading in bed with lots of quilts and pillows piled around me (or the ceiling fan going if it's summer) is the best comfy reading spot I know!

Where's your comfy spot? Link up this month over at The Written World.


  1. My bed, or else the bath, are my favourite places to read by far!

  2. I agree, that's where I read too. A quilt wall hanging is a great idea. Hope you'll post pictures when it's finished.

  3. I like to curl up on a couch with a blanket.

  4. I can't do my bed any more - I always fall asleep so quickly. But it is THE most comfy spot!

  5. For the sake of your marriage, no, I don't think we should keep track of that. ;)

  6. Looks wonderful! I usually just read on my couch but I'd really like to get a la-Z-boy! One day.

  7. Ooooh, I bet the quilt will look beautiful and make your comfy spot feel even more cozy :)

  8. I have a reading chair, pillows, blankets by the window.
    All cosy for reading.

  9. My comfy spot is in bed too :) At this time of the year I put my electric blanket on HIGH and cuddle up with a good book. Ahhh :D

  10. I read on (and in!) my bed also. So comfy and soft and comforting at the same time. :)

    (Also, I linked up today myself. I was glad your post reminded me that I've been wanting to try this meme sometime. So thanks! :)

  11. I rarely read in bed, maybe I need more pillows to made a better nest.

    Can't wait to see your hexes!

  12. Ok Suey. Here's what you need to do. One evening after your kiddos are down and everything is done (or not), put on some music and just baste your little hexes. Or while you're watching TV or a movie. You'll get there before you know it!

    And my bed is my comfy reading spot, too. Except I'm likely to just fall asleep!

    1. Trish: That's what I do! Or try to do! And then I get too tired, and then I don't last long. BUT... it WILL get done! It will.

  13. Thanks for commenting everyone! I never dreamed I'd have so many comments on a picture of my bed! LOL!

  14. Reading in bed with all the comfy blankets and pillows sounds wonderful. Good place to spend a snowy day like this.

    Can't wait to see your quilt - but maybe I shouldn't hold my breath? :)

  15. Your bed looks cozy and the quilt will look great there! My spot was my library.

  16. I usually read in bed, these days, but today I read on the deck! Fun! Except, the birds distracted me and I had to keep getting up to take their pictures.
