Saturday, January 26, 2013

Recent Book Events

Let the book events continue!

A few weeks ago I attended the launch party for the last Wheel of Time book, A Memory of Light. That was fun! Lots of very excited and geeked out people in the crowd... people who have read this series countless times, people who have named their kids after the characters, people who have this world memorized better than their own lives I think. I felt a little out of place, being stuck in book 8 and all, but it was fun to be a part of it.

They had Harriet McDougal, Robert Jordan's (real name Jim) wife, come out and she read from the book a bit. People gave a standing ovation. And Brandon Sanderson came out and people gave HIM a standing ovation. And... did I say everyone was so very excited?

Then they had a little panel thing, with those two plus a handful of others that really didn't participate so I didn't understand why they were there, but whatever. And the audience proceeded to ask questions for the next hour and a half. And they all told their life stories especially as it pertained to the series. Which was interesting and all, but it sure did take up a lot of time.

I love how Brandon made everyone feel cool about their questions and put everyone at ease and before long it felt like we were not in a high school auditorium but in a living room discussing the series as one big group of nerdy friends! It really was a lot of fun and sparked a little fire for me to want to finish this series once and for all.

After the Q and A, all the die hards went back to the store to get their copy at midnight and Brandon stayed and personalized everyone's copy until the wee hours of the morning. Harriet had pre-signed her books beforehand. But not being a die hard, I went home!

Then, at the library a week or so ago,  I went to a YA panel including Ally Condie, Rob Wells, Jennifer Nielsen and E.J. Patten. They were a blast as always, tirelessly answering all the same questions they get asked at every other panel I've seen them in! I didn't ask a question this time, like I did last time, but it was okay because things were pretty much hopping.

And then, just a couple of days ago there was another writing panel at the library, this time for general fiction. We had Josi Kilpack (who writes cozy culinary mysteries) and Greg Park (who writes fantasy) and Steven Peck (who writes... I'm not sure what, but it looked quite far out!) They talked a lot about publishing at first, and then got more into how to write stuff. I get a kick out of the questions from the audience at these low key things.... you can really tell who are the "newbies" at panel questioning. Anyway, afterwards I chatted with Josi for a bit and got my one book I have of hers signed.

I missed Brodi Ashton's launch for Everbound which also happened this week! I just can't do it all I guess!

But events coming up that I hope to get to:

Terry Tempest Williams, a well known local non fiction author, coming to the library
Dark Days Tour including Dan Wells and Lauren Oliver and I can't remember who else.
The LTUE writing conference with keynote speaker, Megan Whalen Turner! Cool!


  1. How exciting! I'd love to be able to go to a Terry Tempest Williams event!

  2. I think I made it through book 4 or 5....? and then just lost interest, it was getting too complicated for me. How cool to know the series is actually finished! I didn't know it was even close.

  3. Goodness, you have access to the coolest events ever! Sounds like great fun. :D

  4. I swear, Provo/Orem is a happening place for book events. *jealous* I do appreciate all your pictures and summaries, though. It makes me feel like I was (almost) there.

  5. Come hell or high water I'm going to the dark days tour!

    You did a great recap of the Wheel Of Time event. I may not like Brandon Sanderson but you actually made it sounds fun.

  6. Sounds like so much fun! I've been to an event with Lauren Oliver and it really was so much fun!! I hope you get to go to that one! And, I can't wait to hear more when you do! :)
